Minutes for Meeting of August 24, 2012
Next Meeting
- Friday, September 7th, 2012
- Andreas Nilsson
- Bastien Nocera
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Karen Sandler
- Rosanna Yuen
- Joanmarie Diggs
- Tobias Mueller
Shaun McCance
- Seif Lotfy
Board Meeting Agenda
- Ryan Lortie asked if they can get permission to use the GNOMEbuntu name. Need to approve.
- The marketing team raised the point that "GNObuntu" sounded like "no-buntu", which would be seen as a negative position on Ubuntu
- One of the option was "Ubuntu GNOME"
- We should wait for a concrete proposal from the marketing team
- Once a name is decided, the board needs to vote to grant permission of the use of the GNOME tm
- GNOMEbuntu/GNObuntu: -1 from Bastien, Emmanuele, Joanie, Tobias; +1 from Andreas
- Properly separated name: +1 from Bastien, Emmanuele, Joanie, Tobias, Andreas.
Federico Mena Quintero asked for funding for a User Observation Hackfest during OpenSuse summit. Need to approve.
- Budget requested: USD 3000
- We are under budget for hackfests
- Vote: +1 from Bastien, Tobias, Emmanuele, Joanie, Andreas.
ACTION: Karen to communicate to Federico that the Observation hackfest was approved by the board
- Reassigning key tasks to board members for when Karen goes on leave
- Expected date: beginning of September
- Areas of coverage:
- Boston Summit (coordinated with Colin)
- Joanie with Zana's assistance
- OPW (coordinate with Marina) - key task - determining if we have enough positions funded for a winter round
- Joanie
- Trademarks - work with Justin to renew trademarks, mid-September deadline
- Andreas
- Marketing (help keep GNOME OS discussion on track, look for possible press ops)
- Andreas
- GNOME.Asia (coordinate with Max) - make sure that the bid process is on track
- Tobias
- GUADEC - make sure teams stay on track to submit full bids
- Emmanuele
- Accessibility - make sure we don't let too much time go without calling for bids on tasks for use of Mozilla and FoG funds.
- Bastien
- FoG - including pushing conversation for a new campaign (i.e. privacy/security), tracking donor issues, ...
- Tobias
- CiviCRM overhaul
- Emmanuele
- Financial/fundraising
- [Shaun]
- Boston Summit (coordinated with Colin)
ACTION: Karen to send an email to each director to bring her or him up to speed on each specific area
- Boston Summit status. Anything else to do or on track?
- Everything seems to be on track
- Potentially have an advisory board meeting (depending on the outcome of Karen's Action Item)
- IRC meetings status
ACTION: Emmanuele to send the announcement of the foundation's IRC meeting date poll to foundation-announce
- Possible agenda
- Role of the release-team
- AGM feedback
ACTION: Emmanuele to publish the agenda for the IRC meeting once the date has been decided
- Do we need to change board meeting date?
ACTION: Tobias to create a date poll for the board meeting and send the URL to board-list
Completed Actions
- Karen to notify the GUADEC 2012 organization team to record the issues faced for exchange with the GUADEC 2013 team
- Karen to add Tobias and Seif to marketing lists moderation
- Karen to send the proposal to form a committee for out-of-board-meeting decisions to foundation-list
- Karen - Follow up with getting Alan Day and Sumana Harihareswara to sign the Copyright Assessment from SFLC. Transferred from Brian.
Status of action items
- All directors should discuss the first-response contact for emails
- Bastien - To contact the BBC to discuss about possible collaboration in working directly with GNOME.
- Bastien - Reach out to the GNOME Advisory Board via email to see if they can help out with providing contacts at Yahoo.
- Emmanuele - Will audit the current donors and check that everybody received their benefits.
- Emmanuele - To start a wiki page on the community feedback of GUADEC 2012
- Emmanuele - To send the minutes of the AB meeting at GUADEC to the adboard list
- Joanie, Seif to go through the board-list archives to categorize the types of contacts and come up with the various areas
- Joanie to work with the A11y team to write proposals for using the Mozilla and FoG money
- Karen - To look into Google Checkout as an annual payment option for FoG.
- Karen - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James Vasile, etc.
- Karen - To continue working with Justin about renewing the old trademarks.
- Karen - Will reach out to Mozilla to find advice about negotiating partnerships.
- Karen - To continue following up with CiviCRM contractors.
- Karen to contact foundation-list to get feedback for CiviCRM
- Karen - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
- This has been done. Will close once the Foundation website is updated, refer to bug #644932.
- Karen - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at the archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with them.
- Karen to investigate alternative solutions for CiviCRM (security, reliability)
- Karen to contact sysadmin team to evaluate existing contract proposals
- Karen to check if an AB meeting would be possible at the Boston Summit
- Karen to look at other potential sponsors for Boston Summit
Rosanna - Automate the process of entering PayPal information into GnuCash.
- Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card.
- Seif to get more information on the event and create a proposal about a possible event in Egypt
- Seif to send an email on board-list to start the discussion on the areas of involvement for each board member
- Shaun - Will post the January 18th, 2012 IRC meeting minutes.
- Shaun - To contact Dave Neary and Ekaterina Gerasimova to get a list of attendees to get feedback for the summit.
- Shaun - To help out extracting the GNOME respondents of Describe FoundationBoard/Minutes/20111115 here.the Desktop Summit survey.
- Shaun - To contact the previous editors of the Annual Report to gather a better picture of how to move forward.
- Shaun - To coordinate with Germán to write a report for the Financials section of the Annual Report.
- Shaun - To start a discussion with Andrea about the Emeritus status.
- Shaun - To finish the Financial section of the Annual Report before the end of the week (week 20).
- Shaun - To review the Desktop Summit draft before the end of the week (week 20).
- Karen - to make LWN integration with CiviCRM one of the requirements for the contracted project
- Stormy - To create a wiki page on the web services accounts holders.
New Action Items
ACTION: Karen to communicate to Federico that the Observation hackfest was approved by the board
ACTION: Karen to send an email to each director to bring her or him up to speed on each specific area
ACTION: Emmanuele to send the announcement of the foundation's IRC meeting date poll to foundation-announce
ACTION: Emmanuele to publish the agenda for the IRC meeting once the date has been decided
ACTION: Tobias to create a date poll for the board meeting and send the URL to board-list