Minutes for Meeting of June 12, 2012
Next Meeting
- June 29, 2012
- Bastien Nocera
- Brian Cameron
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Germán Póo-Caamaño
- Karen Sandler
- Rosanna Yuen
- Ryan Lortie
Shaun McCance
- Stormy Peters
Board Meeting Agenda
- Process
- Karen's 990 Form (questions regarding classifications of certain amounts).
- Any update?
- sent email to accountants 5/30 and a follow up message on 6/11.
ACTION: Karen - To follow up with accountant about classifications.
- Any update?
- Karen's 990 Form (questions regarding classifications of certain amounts).
- Elections
- List of candidates opened May 7th and candidates stepped forward on the 23rd. Voting started on the 27th and ended on June 10th.
- Preliminary results indicate the next board will be:
- Bastien Nocera
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Andreas Nilsson
- Joanmarie Diggs
- Tobias Mueller
Shaun McCance
- Seif Lotfy
ACTION: Brian - To invite the new board members to attend the next meetings and to subscribe to the mailing lists.
- We have a transitional period with Brian not on the new board but the new board will decide the new roles at the GUADEC meeting.
- The first meeting with power voting for the new directors will start on July 1st.
- The new board should decide in their first meeting with voting power whether Brian should be appointed as President ad interim until the roles are decided.
ACTION: Bastien - To update call numbers for new locations.
- Financial and Annual Report
- We have now passed the Annual Report deadline.
- Is the Financial section of the Annual Report yet done?
- The report is done
ACTION: Shaun, Germán and Karen - Will work on submitting the financial report.
- Events
- Desktop Summit
- Currently waiting on Karen to put together the joint release announcement that we will not be having a Desktop Summit in 2013.
- Seems there is some interest in planning some smaller joint activities.
- It has been suggested to set up a joint committee for further discussion.
- Draft press release
- +1 from Brian, Ryan, Germán
ACTION: Karen - To send KDE board the draft for the joint release announcement.
- GUADEC 2012
- Board meeting on July 24th.
- Advisory Board meeting on July 25th.
- There has been some discussion on the mailing list about how registrations are associated with sponsorship. Anything left to discuss?
- Ryan proposals on number of registrations:
- Silver: 8 (up from 5)
- Bronze: 5 (up from 3)
- Supporter: 3 (up from 1)
- +1 from Ryan, Emmanuele, Bastien, Germán, Shaun.
- Boston/Montréal Summit 2012
- What shall we do in 2012?
- Ryan is in touch with local organisers in Montréal. Trying to confirm the venue -- will know (very?) soon.
- Time is becoming a factor to get attendees.
- GNOME.Asia 2012
- Waiting for blog posts from sponsored attendees.
- Should we invite a GNOME.Asia representative for a debrief of the event?
- Timezone may be a concern
ACTION: Brian - To reach out to the GNOME.Asia organizers for attending the next board meeting.
- Hackfests
- Pre-GUADEC UX Hackfest
- Data on wiki is shaping up.
- Wayland Hackfest
- Still collecting attendance.
OpenHelp docs hackfest
- Still collecting attendance.
- Marketing hackfest
- Desktop Summit
- There was discussion on the mailing list about OIN working closer with GNOME.
- Bastien suggested to contact the release team.
- Karen and the release-team sent back a list of components that could be integrated under the OIN.
- Michael Schumacher from GIMP requested reimbursement for LGM2012.
- Outreach Yearbook
- daniel g. siegel raised the idea of doing an Outreach Yearbook for students who worked for GNOME.
- What would this bring on top of the current online list?
- Use the yearbook as orientation for new members.
- Community building.
- What amount of sponsorship is required?
- Needs more feedback from daniel and Marina.
- Continue discussion with the organizers.
- Sriram Ramkrishna informed The GNOME Foundation that the gupnp.org domain can be taken over from Intel.
- How should we respond?
- We need to involve the gUPnP maintainers in the discussion
ACTION: Bastien - To contact the gUPnP maintainers about the project web domain.
- Friends of GNOME a11y Campaign
- This week: $17152 - $2,848 to go!
- Last week's minutes claim we had $16,381 which seems less than what is on the banner now.
- We seem to be losing momentum a lot in the past 4 weeks.
- Update:
- 2 weeks ago: $16,161 - $3,839 to go!
- 4 weeks ago: $15,893 - $4,107 to go!
- 6 weeks ago: $15,297 - $4,803 to go!
- 8 weeks ago: $14,605 - $5,395 to go!
- 10 weeks ago: $12,760 - $7,240 to go!
- 12 weeks ago: $10,631 - $9,369 to go!
- 14 weeks ago: $ 9,019 - $10,810 to go!
- 16 weeks ago: $ 6,700 - $13,300 to go!
- New testimonial published
- Need additional promotion from the A11Y team for the end of the campaign.
ACTION: Karen - To talk to a11y team for the end of the FoG campaign.
- Start preparing a press release for the end of the campaign.
- Managing FoG is cumbersome because most of the work is manual and tedious.
- Emmanuele is starting a set of shared resources (wiki, documents) for distributing the workload.
ACTION: Karen - To follow up with EFF to find contractor for updating and improving CiviCRM set up.
- Try to involve the marketing team?
Completed Actions
- Brian - To reach out to the GNOME.Asia organizers for attending the next board meeting.
- Karen - To collect and propose dates for board and advisory board meetings at GUADEC 2012.
- Karen - To contact Colin Walters for further information about planning for a Boston Summit.
- Karen - To contact the candidates to the board election to notify them of the meetings dates. (actually done by German)
- Karen - Will send out the email about updating Wiki ACL to the old board members before the end of the day.
- Karen - To email accountant to ask for clarification on numbers on the Foundation 990 Form.
- Karen - To contact the GUADEC local team for confirmation of the location for the meetings.
Status of action items
- Bastien - To contact the BBC to discuss about possible collaboration in working directly with GNOME.
- Bastien - Reach out to the GNOME Advisory Board via email to see if they can help out with providing contacts at Yahoo.
- Brian - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
- This has been done. Will close once the Foundation website is updated, refer to bug #644932.
- Brian - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at the archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with them. Taken over from Jorge.
- Brian - Will take over organizing the GNOME Foundation IRC meetings.
- Emmanuele - To gather names and information for a Wayland hackfest.
- Emmanuele - Will set up a wiki page for the Wayland Hackfest.
- Germán - Will continue the discussion with Frédéric about the Gitorious instance on gnome.org. Touched based with Frédéric on Sep 30, we will elaborate more on his proposal once he has more time.
Germán - To inform the local GUADEC 2010 organization the decision to make final payment to cover remaining costs. Touched based with Reinount and Vincent. There was a misunderstanding with respect to Koen & Sanne working hours, we need to discuss it again. Everything is fine.
- Germán - To let Julita know that the expense for the GNOME 3.4 party in Peru has been approved.
- Germán - To email membership committee to raise the concern that emails coming from the Membership Committee are being sent by a candidate.
- Germán - Let GSoC admins know the results.
- German and Karen - To contact Google (Cat Allman and Carol ?) about sponsorship of GSoC students with SoC budget.
- Karen - Will follow up with CiviCRM contract.
- After some tracking down of the status of the communications, cedwards sent email to get discussions with Claudian moving again., now following up with EFF to see if they can help.
Karen - Will follow up with LojaGeek.
- Emailed, so far no response, Isabel offered to help.
- Karen - To look into Google Checkout as an annual payment option for FoG.
- Karen - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James Vasile, etc.
Karen - To contact GIMP, GStreamer, and PiTiVi to outline the board's thoughts about earmarked fund raising.
- Karen - Follow up with getting Alan Day and Sumana Harihareswara to sign the Copyright Assessment from SFLC. Transferred from Brian.
- Karen - To continue working with Justin about renewing the old trademarks.
- Karen - Will put together a proposal on how we should update the bylaws to improve voting.
- Karen - Will reach out to Mozilla to find advice about negotiating partnerships.
- Karen and Tobias - To draft a proposal for an update of the by-laws at the AGM.
Rosanna - Automate the process of entering PayPal information into GnuCash.
- Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card.
- Rosanna - To pay Baptiste Mille-Mathias for the stickers to bring at FOSDEM. - DONE
- Shaun - Will post the January 18th, 2012 IRC meeting minutes.
- Shaun - To contact Dave Neary and Ekaterina Gerasimova to get a list of attendees to get feedback for the summit.
- Shaun - To help out extracting the GNOME respondents of Describe FoundationBoard/Minutes/20111115 here.the Desktop Summit survey.
- Shaun - To contact the previous editors of the Annual Report to gather a better picture of how to move forward.
- Shaun - To coordinate with Germán to write a report for the Financials section of the Annual Report.
- Shaun - To start a discussion with Andrea about the Emeritus status.
- Shaun - To finish the Financial section of the Annual Report before the end of the week (week 20).
- Shaun - To review the Desktop Summit draft before the end of the week (week 20).
Shaun & Karen - To have a run-through over budget items.
Shaun & Karen - To review the Financial section of the Annual Report.
- Stormy - will send an email to GWOP interns to attend the Grace Hopper Conference.
Stormy - Take care of GnuCash automation. Taken over from Paul & Behdad.
- Stormy - to ask LWN if they can automate it with gnome.org addresses
- Stormy - To send an email to the GNOME.asia list for plans for next year.
- Stormy - To create a wiki page on the accounts holders.
New Action Items
- Bastien - To update call numbers for new locations.
- Bastien - To contact the gUPnP maintainers about the project web domain.
- Karen - To follow up with accountant about classifications.
- Karen - To follow up with EFF to find contractor for updating and improving CiviCRM set up.
- Karen - To send KDE board the draft for the joint release announcement.
- Karen - To talk to a11y team for the end of the FoG campaign.
- Karen - To follow up with EFF to find contractor for updating and improving CiviCRM set up.
- Shaun, Germán and Karen - Will work on submitting the financial report.
Discussed on the mailing list
- Process
- Helping with the GNOME Foundation board elections.
- Discussion about updating the ACL's on the GNOME Wiki.
- Events
- Planning for GUADEC 2012 and GNOME.Asia.
- Discussion about reimbursing Tobias Mueller for Event Box expenses.
- Michael Schumacher from GIMP requested reimbursement for LGM2012.
- Daniel G. Siegel raised the idea of doing an Outreach Yearbook for students who worked for GNOME.