Minutes for Meeting of October 18
Next Meeting
- November 1, 2011
- Bastien Nocera
- Brian Cameron
- Emmanuele Bassi
- Karen Sandler
- Ryan Lortie
- Rosanna Yuen
Shaun McCance
- Stormy Peters
- Germán Póo-Caamaño
Board Meeting Agenda
- Events
- Desktop Summit
- Survey
- Shaun sent an analysis of the survey data to the board.
- GNOME developers still favour doing another Desktop Summit, though less than the general Summit attendants.
- Event felt less inclusive for GNOME attendants.
- Doing another survey might not be beneficial at this point
- Questions should be recorded on the GUADEC wiki for a survey next year.
- Plan to include the Desktop Summit on the Advisory Board meeting agenda.
- Survey
- Día GNOME 2011
- Fabio Duran Verdugo's request for $2,500 (USD) was approved.
- Stormy sent an email to Fabio
- Fabio Duran Verdugo's request for $2,500 (USD) was approved.
- Marcus Moeller requested $100 (USD) to produce a GNOME banner for Linuxday in Dornbirn and to be used for monthly events. This received a +1 from Stormy, Brian, Ryan, Emmanuele.
ACTION: Brian - To contact Marcus Moeller to let him know that the GNOME banner for Linuxday was approved.
- Will we be having any more Foundation IRC meetings?
- New IRC meeting should happen before the next Board meeting.
- Collecting items for the IRC meeting agenda.
- Plan to have the meeting next Wednesday, October 26.
ACTION: Shaun - To organize the next GNOME Foundation IRC meeting.
- Desktop Summit
- Michael Schumacher asked the board to handle the Google Summer of Code mentor payments for GIMP. This year, they had five student projects.
- The Foundation handled the GSoC payments for GIMP in the previous years.
- Approved with unanimous vote.
- (Side discussion about discussing handling other project's money. Will discuss later.)
- A11Y Contract
- Still under discussion.
- Due diligence on the proposal.
- Potential for changes in the proposal for a more aggressive push towards A11Y.
- Proposal should be reduced in scope/more tight in terms of goals.
- More interaction between A11Y and toolkit teams.
ACTION: Ryan - To send a new draft of the email to the A11Y team about their contract proposal to board-list.
- David Zeuthen raised Legal questions for Online Accounts. Status?
- Karen needs a contact at Yahoo!
- Karen, Bastien, and Stormy had contacts, but seem to be non responsive and/or left the company
- Karen will meet with Canonical representative for their agreements with online service providers
- OSI Membership Invitation
- The value or gain is not clear.
- Seemingly at odds with our position inside the GNU project/FSF.
- May be worth doing this in the future.
- Plan to consult with the advisory board.
- Send an email to the advisory board list, and eventually follow up in the meeting.
ACTION: Karen - To send the email to the advisory board list about the OSI membership invitation.
- Advisory Board Meeting Agenda
- Desktop Summit Update
- OSI Membership Invitation
- Technical leadership (Ryan)
- GNOME OS (Bastien)
- Montreal Summit report (Ryan)
- Upcoming events/hackfests
- GNOME 3.2 presentation (Allan Day)
- Accessibility status and future (Ryan)
- Membership committee would like access to the Foundation's blog
- +1 from Bastien, Ryan, Brian, Emmanuele.
ACTION: Bastien - To take care of granting access for the membership committee to the Foundation blog.
- Emmanuele talked to Alberto Ruiz about a change in the PGO editorial policy, with regards to only including Foundation members in the PGO feed.
- Alberto concurred that this change would make his life easier in determining the addition and removal policy.
- Also part of a general push to have Foundation membership tied into gnome.org services (like Git, SSH).
- Have a grace period for current non-members.
- Emphasis on the improvement in the fairness of the editorial policy.
ACTION: Ryan - To contact Alberto about sending mail to affected bloggers due to changes in PGO editorial policy.
Completed Actions
- Brian - To communicate with the GUADEC team about the Board's dates recommendations.
- Brian - Will ask Rosanna for more details regarding GSoC payments.
- Emmanuele - Will talk to Alberto Ruiz about the board's position on PGO policy changes.
- Rosanna - Will cover costs for Vincent's GNOME 3.0 PromoDVD shipments.
- Ryan - Will send a draft of the a11y contract email to board-list.
- All board members - Review the unpublished meeting minutes.
Status of action items
- Bastien - To contact the BBC to discuss about possible collaboration in working directly with GNOME.
- Bastien - Reach out to the GNOME Advisory Board via email to see if they can help out with providing contacts at Yahoo.
- Brian - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
- Brian - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at the archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with them. Taken over from Jorge.
- Brian - Will touch base with the GIMP organizers to find out their plans for the GIMP money.
- Brian - To coordinate a fund raising meeting with the GStreamer, a11y, GIMP, and Banshee teams. Will draft an agenda.
- Brian - Follow up with getting Alan Day and Sumana Harihareswara to sign the Copyright Assessment from SFLC.
- Emmanuele - Will send an email to board-list to start the discussion on PGO policy and editorial control.
- Germán - Will talk to membership committee to see if we can do something to help remind people to renew memberships to avoid people losing the ability to vote.
- Germán - Will continue the discussion with Frederic about the Gitorious instance on gnome.org
- Germán and Ryan - Will relay the board's recommendations to the membership committee about renewal and expiration of membership.
- Germán - To inform the local GUADEC 2010 organization the decision to make final payment to cover remaining costs.
- Germán - To respond to Daniel about the Annual Report.
- Karen - Will take over discussions to take over ownership of some GNOME related domains.
- Karen - Will follow up with CiviCRM contract.
- After some tracking down of the status of the communications, cedwards sent email to get discussions with Claudian moving again.
Karen - Will follow up with LojaGeek.
- Karen - Will follow up with the lawyers to discuss what would be involved to provide liability protection like what the Conservancy provides and to see if they have any perspective about whether the GNOME Foundation should allow GNOME projects to join Conservancy.
- Karen - To look into Google Checkout as an annual payment option for FoG.
- Karen - Will work with Gil Forcada from guifi.net and gnome-marketing to define the best way for organizations like guifi.net to participate in the GNOME community. Not many replies from the community. Diego Urrelo will draft something more concrete for gnome-marketing to determine the best name and process for managing this. There was a discussion on the mailing list and a few good ideas, Diego will wrap them up and send them again for further comments. Will follow-up with Board to read the Advisory Board fees for small businesses proposal, ask for feedback and set a date to vote by.
- Karen - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James Vasile, etc.
- Karen - Will follow up with John and get more information about GNU Mobile.
- Karen - Will contact the bank again to discuss the fraudulent cheques.
- Karen - Will contact guadec-list to find out the information we need to do the announcements for GUADEC 2012.
- Karen - Will lead a discussion about what to do about the next FoG campaign.
- Karen - Will send an email to advisory board to schedule the next meeting.
- Karen - Will check flattr Terms of Service for compatibility with the Foundation.
Karen - To contact the sysadmin for options on reducing the spam on fundraising@gnome.org
Rosanna - Automate the process of entering PayPal information into GnuCash.
- Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card.
- Ryan - To look into running a survey for foundation members about the Desktop Summit.
- Ryan - Will contact Canonical for a quote for the release notes.
- Ryan - To communicate with the a11y team the decisions of the board on their contract work proposal.
- Shaun - Will lead the GNOME Foundation IRC meetings.
- Shaun - To contact Dave Neary and Ekaterina Gerasimova to get a list of attendees to get feedback for the summit.
- Shaun - To help out extracting the GNOME respondents of the Desktop Summit survey.
- Shaun - To contact the previous editors of the Annual Report to gather a better picture of how to move forward.
Stormy - Take care of GnuCash automation. Taken over from Paul & Behdad.
- Stormy - to ask LWN if they can automate it with gnome.org addresses
- All board members - To review and comment Brian's April 14th proposal regarding better organizing earmarked fundraising.
New Action Items
- Bastien - To take care of granting access for the membership committee to the Foundation blog.
- Brian - To contact Marcus Moeller to let him know that the GNOME banner for Linuxday was approved.
- Karen - To send the email to the advisory board list about the OSI membership invitation.
- Ryan - To send a new draft of the email to the A11Y team about their contract proposal to board-list.
- Ryan - To contact Alberto about sending mail to affected bloggers due to changes in PGO editorial policy.
- Shaun - To organize the next GNOME Foundation IRC meeting.
Discussed on the mailing list
- Events
- GUADEC 2012
- Bob Murphy sent an update from the last GUADEC organization meeting
- Día GNOME 2011
- Fabio Duran Verdugo requesting $2,500 out of $3,600 (USD) to sponsor travel and accommodation to 8 contributors, as well as for promotional material that will be used for the conference and future events in the next 12 months.
- +1 from Brian, Stormy, Ryan, Germán. Approved.
- Desktop Summit
Shaun McCance is working to evaluate survey results to determine when to next consider planning the next Desktop Summit.
- GUADEC 2012
- Finance
Canonical Group Limited notified the board that they will be making a payment to the Gnome foundation in the amount of $1987.98 (USD) for their quarterly donation. This figure is a result of a percentage of income that they are receiving from the UbuntuOne music store.
- Ryan Lortie responded to the a11y team regarding their request for a11y related contract work.
- Michael Schumacher asked the board to handle the mentor payments for GIMP. This year, they had five student projects.
- +1 from Stormy, Brian.
- Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller informed the board that the GStreamer project is setting up a bank account and started discussions about transferring money to the new account.
- Marketing
- Marcus Moeller requested $100 (USD) to produce a GNOME banner for Linuxday in Dornbirn and to be used for future events.
- +1 from Stormy, Brian
- Lionel Dricot started a discussion with the board about a better way to promote GNOME Sponsors.
- Marcus Moeller requested $100 (USD) to produce a GNOME banner for Linuxday in Dornbirn and to be used for future events.
- Miscellaneous
- Emily Chen worked with the board to finish up the Q2 report.
- Work on the Q3 report is starting.
Discussion about fixing spam being sent to fundraising@gnome.org by moderating the list.
- Finishing up getting the Emergy a11y contract signed.