Minutes for Meeting of November 25th, 2009
Next Meeting
December 10, 2009
- Behdad Esfahbod
- Brian Cameron
- Diego Escalante
- Germán Póo-Caamaño
- Rosanna Yuen
- Srinivasa Ragavan
- Stormy Peters
- Vincent Untz
- Lucas Roca
- None
Recurring Items
- Review past action items.
- Did each person with action items send their status reports to the board list before the meeting?
- Approve and make sure that minutes of last meeting were published to foundation-announce and foundation-list.
- Make sure to start up the gobby server for better note taking.
- System administrator hiring - waiting for funding.
- Update foundation.gnome.org website.
Old items
- None
New items
- GUADEC 2010 bid from .nl - The board discussed the status of making an announcement.
- Stormy: Draft press release ready. We are waiting on quotes from Government officials.
- Vincent: Lucas has placeholder website ready to be committed.
- Germán: Will monitor the organization and raise a flag if needed.
- WebKitGTK+ hackfest: Now waiting for the travel committee to determine how much money is needed for travel. They currently need 3554.28 Euros (though since Joanie is now not going this is probably 2754.28 Euros).
- The board approved giving $350 to FOSS.in to promote GNOME. The money will come out of Local Outreach or Other Events funding.
- Regarding the proposed doubling advisory board fees. The board formally approved this for fees going forward.
Zana plans to put together a summary of what needs to be done for GnuCash scrubbing written up this week. She will also test Behdad's script.
- Planning for the December advisory board meetings. Three topics are planned: GNOME events, GUADEC 2011 co-locating with KDE, copyright assignments.
- 401k should be done by December 1st,
Stormy verified the transfer of GNOME.Asia from GoDaddy to Ghandi is done.
Action Items
Completed Actions
- Germán - Take over John Palmieri's previous task to propose new obligations that people who receive travel subsidies should be asked to do in return.
Stormy - Will check director's email to verify the transfer of GNOME.Asia from GoDaddy.com to Ghandi.net.
- Stormy - Should the GNOME Foundation buy a blanket LWN membership. Will bring it up with Jonathan Corbet next week.
- Stormy - Set up a new Doodle meeting survey to determine the best time for future meetings.
New action items that were completed soon after the meeting:
- Germán - Send an update about the budget available for hackfests so that the board can decide whether the WebKitGTK+ hackfest fits in the budget.
- Stormy - Ask people from advisory board companies for quotes to include in the press release.
- Stormy - Will start work on the press release.
- Stormy - Send an email to the advisory board to find out whether the topics for the December meeting will be copyright assignments or events+copyright assignments
Old Actions
Behdad - Tasked with scrubbing the GnuCash file so it can be made public. Behdad sent a scrubbed GnuCash file to Rosanna to check, but still pending.
- Brian - Get information about what should be in an "Employee Handbook". Still pending.
- Brian - Look into organizing a hackfest on "how to make it easier for more people to do some usability magic". Discussions on usability list just starting, and making progress with seeking NLnet grant. Ongoing.
- Diego - Will work to organize an IRC Foundation meeting.
- Diego - Taken over from Stormy. Will work with Gil Forcada from guifi.net and gnome-marketing to define the best way for organizations like guifi.net to participate in the GNOME community.
- Germán - Put together a proposal for how to address board members who become inactive. Still pending.
Lucas - Work with Andreas for the donation ruler. Try to put $15k in the ruler in "yellow" ($10k for Canonical, $5k for Google) to indicate that these funds are matching. Waiting for Paul to get the general marketing message behind the ruler before publishing it. Paul was pinged on September 17th about it. http://www.gnome.org/friends/drive/
- Lucas - Work to ensure that Foundation members sign the GNOME Code of Conduct, and make it a requirement that new Foundation members need to sign this. Lucas completed a draft currently under review.
Lucas & Alberto - Set up a Euro bank account. Still in progress.
- Paul - Will provide an overview of hiring a sysadmin and the benefits that has for the overall GNOME community.
- Rosanna - Research the GNOME Guidestar website and update if necessary. Rosanna sent an update about the status of Guidestar, but work is still needed. Need to find someone to keep the website up-to-date.
- Rosanna - to send check to pay 401K setup fees.
Srini - Ping John Palmieri for status about importing Paypal data into GnuCash. John Palmieri was pinged, but no response yet.
- Srini - Send out the GUADEC call-for-hosts, and the next meeting with be an IRC meeting to discuss Done. Srini has the meeting logs, but not yet published in the wiki. Yet to format and upload and announce the meeting logs. Leaving this as an open item until the logs are available.
- Stormy - To propose a case study on how the improvements we made with bugzilla made a difference as input for the marketing materials for why the Foundation needs to hire a system administrator. Working with Max and waiting on him.
- Stormy - Create a more public process for suggesting and deciding upon topics for future advisory board meetings. Conversations in progress.
- Vincent - Will look into who the GNOME Foundation should send to the Mobile User Experience conference, perhaps Paul Cooper. Vincent mailed Paul and is waiting for an answer.
- Vincent - Touch base with Matthew Garrett and with the GNOME community to determine how the GNOME Code of Conduct needs to be enhanced to reflect speakers.
- Vincent - Update the blog and planet to highlight that people are expected to sign and follow the GNOME Code of Conduct.
- Vincent - Follow-up with Intel to determine what to do about copyright assignment for clutter.
- Vincent - Publish the new Advisory Board duties on the web and to send an email to the foundation-list to announce it.
Vincent & Lucas - Determine how to announce the endorsement of Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services. This is blocking on a release team action that Lucas has ("push for a "web services" set of libraries") http://autonomo.us/2008/07/franklin-street-statement/
- Everyone - Provide available meeting times in Doodle after Stormy provides the survey. Be flexible!
New Action Items
- Diego - Start discussion about how to improve how money is allocated for hackfests.
- Lucas - Will work to put together some web information
- Stormy - Send out announcements regarding doubling of adboard fees.
- Stormy - To schedule a meeting with companies that do consulting work with GNOME to start discussions on how we can help (how can we work together).
- Vincent - Will start discussion with adboard about co-locating in 2011 after the announcement.
- Vincent - Follow up with video hackfest organizers and find out if there is any sponsorship money due.
Discussed on board-list
- Planning for the 2010 GUADEC announcement.
- Discussion about the WebKitGTK+ budget.
- Planning for the December Advisory Board meeting, which will be about recent and upcoming GNOME events.
- The board agreed to entrust the U.S. Event box to Larry Cafiero, who was recommended by Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier.
- Discussion about how to improve the Code of Conduct and to add Speaker Guidelines for conferences/events.
- Discussion about transferring money allocated to the GNOME.Asia event.
- Discussion about request to prove funding to the FOSS.in event in India to promote GNOME.
- Diego proposed a draft email regarding how to add new ways for organizations to be involved and contribute to the GNOME Foundation and sent the email to the gnome-marketing list.
- Considering purchasing a LWN membership that could be passed along to Foundation members and/or people who donate to GNOME.