Minutes for Meeting of August 20, 2009
Next Meeting
September 03, 2009
- Behdad Esfahbod
- Brian Cameron
- Germán Póo-Caamaño
- Srinivasa Ragavan
- Lucas Rocha
- Rosanna Yuen
- Stormy Peters
- Vincent Untz
- Diego Escalante Urrelo
Recurring Items
- Review past action items.
- Approve and make sure that minutes of last meeting were sent.
- Make sure to start up the gobby server for better note taking.
- Sysadmin hiring - waiting for funding.
- Update foundation.gnome.org website.
Old items
- None
New items
- Review of Action Items.
- Srini agreed to send out an email announcing to the foundation-list who are the officers.
Action Items
Completed Actions
- Brian - To publish meeting minutes now that the GCDS press release is done.
Brian - Follow-up on legal-private@gnome.org to ensure that Luis' old items are being managed. An email was sent to the GNOME legal team, and the update sent to board-list.
- Germán - To send an apology email to the journalists from LWN and Ars Technica that we did not end up flying to GUADEC.
- Lucas - Will look into the costs of printing the annual report and how many annual report copies should we print, and report back to the board. Lucas will also check with Rosanna to find out how many copies were printed and left over from last year's printing. Done - sent the prices to board list. Asked Rosanna to print a proof copy to verify that everything looks good.
- Price for 1 unit: $11,80
- Price for 200 units: $1,460.00 (39% discount)
- Price for 250 units: $1,750.00 (41% discount)
- Lucas - To send out minutes from the Largo hackfest meeting. Done - Dave Richard did this.
- Stormy - Start discussion on marketing list for our plan for activities for next year, including raising fees.
- Stormy - to email feedback from advisory board interviews.
- Stormy - Will take care of making the GUADEC survey results public, with an intro to highlight it was a survey and not a vote.
- Stormy - To follow-up on the joint FSF announcement to support diversity.
Vincent - Check with Luis about endorsing the Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services. Luis is fine with us endorsing it, but thinks it would be weird to do it "out of nowhere". It makes more sense if bundled with a release of something (like snowy, or anything related to integration with online services). Maybe Lucas' plans at OnlineIntegration would be a good fit too.
Old Actions
Behdad - Tasked with scrubbing the GnuCash file so it can be made public. Behdad sent a scrubbed GnuCash file to Rosanna to check, but still pending.
- Brian - Get information about what should be in an "Employee Handbook". Still pending.
- Brian - Since there was little interest on the foundation-list about getting international general liability and accident insurance, the board decided to not pursue getting such coverage at this time. Brian agreed to follow-up with the lawyers to find out what sort of text we should include in the travel subsidy agreement to ensure that people who receive subsidy understand that the Foundation is not providing coverage. An email was sent to the GNOME legal team, awaiting response.
- Diego - Contact the sysadmin team about account creation. Talk with Bruno about who needs accounts. Diego has done a lot work contacting people about this, and is close to completing this task, but is still pending.
- Diego - Will send an email to the gnome-women mailing list and otherwise try to find people to help organize.
- Germán - Put together a proposal for how to address board members who become inactive. Still pending.
- Germán - Take over J5's previous task to propose new obligations that people who receive travel subsidies should be asked to do in return.
Lucas - Work with Andreas for the donation ruler. Try to put $15k in the ruler in "yellow" ($10k for Canonical, $5k for Google) to indicate that these funds are matching. http://www.gnome.org/friends/drive/
- Lucas - To work on next year's budget and annual report since he is now vice-treasurer.
Lucas & Alberto - Set up a Euro bank account. Alberto is waiting for a reply from a friend who works in a bank to give some initial directions. We'll have a meeting next Monday (August 24).
- Rosanna - Research the GNOME Guidestar website and update if necessary. Rosanna sent an update about the status of Guidestar, but work is still needed. Need to find someone to keep the website up-to-date.
- Rosanna - to send check to pay 401K setup fees.
Srini - Ping J5 for status about importing Paypal data into GnuCash. J5 was pinged, but no response yet.
- Srini - Put out call for GUADEC hosts. First check with Stormy what questions the bidders should answer so that we can take an informed choice. Draft completed, but still under review.
- Stormy - GNOME Foundation needs a CRM. Dave Neary agreed to set up one, he just needs to be told which one. Stormy will research over the next week.
- Stormy - Should the GNOME Foundation buy a blanket LWN membership. Very low priority. Will bring it up with Jonathan Corbet when they next meet.
- Stormy - Contact advisory board members about raising fees. Will do this after the discussion on the marketing list, probably next week.
- Vincent - Implement an automatic reminder email for meetings. Still waiting for the time of the bi-weekly meetings to be settled before doing this.
- Vincent - Will contact advisory board members to see if they will sponsor the Zeitgeist hackfest in Bolzano. Partially done: contacted some advisory board members, will mail the mailing list about this hackfest and the Florida hackfest.
- Vincent - Will look into who the GNOME Foundation should send to the Mobile User Experience conference, perhaps Paul Cooper.
New Action Items
- Srini - Send out an email announcing to the foundation-list who are the officers.
Vincent & Lucas - Determine how to announce the endorsement of Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services: http://autonomo.us/2008/07/franklin-street-statement/
Discussed on board-list
- Planning for the advisory board meeting on August 12th, and meeting minutes were compiled and reviewed before sending them to the advisory board mailing list.
- Planning for the Zeitgeist hackfest in Bolzano. Understanding the costs involved and seeking sponsors.
- Discussion about costs for printing the Annual Report. See Completed Actions section above.
- Review of draft of "Call for hosts GUADEC 2010".
- Planning for the City of Largo hackfest. Current thinking is that it will be a usability hackfest including new components like GNOME shell. Proposed dates are for 2 days in November or December.
- Discussion about the best way to manage updates to the GNOME Guidestar database.
- The GNOME Foundation will endorse the "Mobile User Experience" conference in London (November 17th-18th) and Dave Neary agreed to do the coordination.
- Srini agreed to respond to questions on foundation-list regarding the decision to not co-locate GUADEC and Akademy next year, which he did.
- Discussion about endorsing the joint FSF announcement to support diversity.