Minutes for Meeting of January 21, 2009
- Lucas (joined at 21:30 UTC)
- Vincent
- Brian
- J5
- Jeff
- Stormy
- Zana
- Behdad (driving)
- Luis (jury duty)
- Friends of GNOME
- plenty of tshirts and mugs (ordered 144 each at the end of last year)
- mouse pads being ordered
- 70+ packages to send out!
- Hackfests. ACTION: Vincent send GTK+ theming hackfest notice to adboard, ACTION: Behdad: GTK+ sponsorship calls.
Adboard meeting topic: system administrator, Canonical's proposal for bugzilla ACTION: Stormy to invite Collabora and CodeThink, ACTION: Vincent: To invite Olav and Owen
- GUADEC Need coordinator: ACTION: Vincent volunteered if no one else, will talk to Alberto ACTION: Stormy to update legal document
- Finances on website. ACTION: Vincent will update two sites.
- Foresight, some kind of distro group? ACTION: Stormy to put together a proposal for a group for distributions
- Finances. ACTION: J5 to give us a update. Looks like we had a surplus last year.
- Membership Committee. ACTION: Lucas checking with Baris. ACTION: (Lucas) Diego to contact Bruno about a new call for volunteers and contact previous volunteers.
- Amazon Affiliates. Brian, Vincent, Lucas, and Diego +1. ACTION: Stormy to open an Amazon Affiliates account for the GNOME Foundation.
- Planet GNOME: Lucas and Vincent will take over and publish guidelines.
- GNOME stuff on FSF store: Lucas is reworking design with Andreas to solve font issue.
- Brian looking into insurance. ACTION: Vincent to provide Brian with list of events and locations for this year.
Old items
- ACTION: Board members test new Friends of GNOME site.
=> done
- ACTION: finish up your annual report writings!
=> Behdad & Vincent are late
- ACTION: Stormy to mail requests and plan for 2009 budget and
sponsorship requests to all advisory board members. => done
- ACTION: Rosanna to send out invoices.
=> done
- ACTION: Vincent to put out community call for 2009 activities.
=> not done, too busy
- ACTION: J5 to send out 2008 finances and 2009 budget plan.
=> not done, too busy (?)
New action items
ACTION:Vincent send GTK+ theming hackfest notice to adboard
- ACTION: Behdad: GTK+ sponsorship calls.
ACTION: Stormy to invite Collabora and CodeThink to Adboard meeting
- ACTION: Vincent: To invite Olav and Owen to adboard meeting
- ACTION: Vincent volunteered for GUADEC organizer if no one else, will talk to Alberto
- ACTION: Stormy to update legal document for GUADEC/Akademy co-locating
- ACTION: Vincent will update two financial websites on www.gnome.org
- ACTION: Stormy to put together a proposal for a group for distributions like Foresight, Debian, Fedora, openSuSE ...
- ACTION: J5 to give us a financial update.
- ACTION: Lucas checking with Baris, if he wants to be on membership committee again.
- ACTION: Diego to contact Bruno about a new call for volunteers and contact previous volunteers.
- ACTION: Stormy to open an Amazon Affiliates account for the GNOME Foundation.
- ACTION: Vincent to provide Brian with list of events and locations for this year.
Discussed on board-list
- Printing 3,000 sticker sheets for Friends of GNOME gifts for $1,390.95. Can also be used at events.
- Ordering more mouse pads for Friends of GNOME.
- Friends of GNOME numbers data will be shared publicly.