Minutes for Meeting of January 7, 2009
Next Meeting
Jan 21, 2009
- Behdad
- Brian
- Diego
- Vincent
- J5
- Rosanna
- Lucas
- Stormy
- Luis (jury duty)
- J5 has a family situation that may cause him to leave unexpectedly at any time. Still responsive via normal channels until then.
- Friends of GNOME. Andreas and Lucas have the web pages for the new program up and ready. Beta testing this week. Launch on Monday - home page, blogs, twitter, etc. Lucas working on post cards. ACTION: All. test new site.
- Annual report. Lucas wants to have draft to send to printers Monday. This year's will be a square shape to be different. (Might cost more to ship.) Lucas also checking on using recycled paper. ACTION: finish up your annual report writings!
- GUADEC. Planning meeting with KDE board next Monday. Brochure on track to be finished next week.
- DVCS. Discussion of current situation. Agreed that input from everyone (via survey and email) is good to have. Someone must make the decision and act though. Conversation will continue in other channels.
- Invoicing GNOME Foundation sponsors/advisory board members for 2009. Will let them know what all our funding requests for the year will be up front. Will include funding request for part time, contract system administrator. ACTION: Stormy to mail requests and plan to all advisory board members. ACTION: Rosanna to send out invoices.
- 2009 Budget. ACTION: Vincent to put out community call for 2009 activities. ACTION: J5 to send out 2008 finances and 2009 budget plan.
Mailing List
- GNOME.Asia surplus will be held by the GNOME Foundation for next year's GNOME.ASIA
- Advisory Board: Sugar Labs joined the advisory board, discussed other potential new members
Published December Board Report on blog, http://blogs.gnome.org/foundation/2009/01/05/whats-happening-with-the-gnome-foundation-december-2008/
- ACTION: Board members test new Friends of GNOME site.
- ACTION: finish up your annual report writings!
- ACTION: Stormy to mail requests and plan for 2009 budget and sponsorship requests to all advisory board members.
- ACTION: Rosanna to send out invoices.
- ACTION: Vincent to put out community call for 2009 activities.
- ACTION: J5 to send out 2008 finances and 2009 budget plan.