Minutes for Meeting of Oct. 29, 2008
Next Meeting
adboard meeting on Nov 12.
- J5
- Behdad
- Stormy
- Zana
- Vincent
- Luis
- Lucas
- Brian
- Jeff
Recurring Items
- GUADEC: GUADEC team (Alberto, Chema, J5, Behdad) should be all subscribed to the planning list. J5 to send a kick-off message to get conversation started and possibly arrange meeting for Alberto and Chema with the local team and KDE reps near planned Nov 15 meeting between local team and gov't.
Old items
- November ad board prep: ACTION: Lucas to kick off pre-discussion. Stormy and Behdad probably won't be able to call in.
- Stormy compensation: punted to next meeting
- FoG website: Lucas and Andreas working on it. ACTION: Lucas to continue discussion with FSF re: store.
New items
- travel committee/travel guidelines: Stormy sent draft policy. ACTION: comment on draft on mailing list.
C&D for bugzilla attacks: Olav requested a form letter/language to send to people DOSing bugzilla. Discussion of best resolution; Luis is skeptical of the C&D approach. Resources are limited, both in terms of hardware and administrative bandwidth, making a C&D an easier approach. Discussion to be continued on-list.
Discussed on board-list
- Gift for outstanding contributor: ACTION: J5 to work with Rosanna to handle a small token of appreciation.
- KDE/Akademy/GUADEC: discussion of finances, freedesktop, marketing, history, relationship with distributors, etc.
- fluendo machines: discussed disposition of machines bought for GUADEC and now controlled by Fluendo on our behalf. ACTION: Behdad to contact Fluendo, figure out capabilities of the machines.
- hackfest followup: 3.0 hackfest preceding GNOME Summit was considered successful; discussed how to follow up. No formal conclusions.