Minutes for Meeting of 2008-10-22
Next Meeting
Oct. 29th (owing to delay of Oct. 15th meeting)
- Luis
- Lucas
- Vincent
- J5
- Behdad
- Stormy
- Zana
- Jeff
- Brian
New items
- November adboard prep: theoretical topic is GNOME 3.0; date is Nov. 12. Obviously want to build on hackfest; presenters might be Owen/Vincent/Federico. Topics might include release management and timeline management, as well as UI issues. Goal of meeting is not to have a complete schedule, but to at least discuss it. ACTION: Vincent will be drafting a rough schedule for RT meeting Sunday. ACTION: Lucas will work on AB meeting content. ACTION: Vincent to work on getting Owen and Federico to the meeting.
- Boston Summit follow up plans: major topics were a11y, gobject introspection, and UI hackfest. Luis wants to publicly commit resources to moving the UI hackfest process forward; J5 suggests we want to get prototypes before we commit more resources. Extended discussion about this issue, including discussion of role in next year's budget, etc. ACTION: Lucas will work with release-team to move forward; financial issues will be discussed on-list.
- Sugar Foundation: ACTION: Stormy will invite to join the Foundation.
- quick discussion of GNOME, KDE, and Sun; ACTION: stormy to start discussion on list.
- 2 misuses of GNOME logo: ACTION: Luis to work on draft letter for appropriate cases.
- Feedback for stormy and bonus: ongoing discussion.
- Lucas will miss some meetings b/c of moving to London.
Discussed on board-list
- mobile: discussed goals of overall Mobile project and goals of Mobile committee; smallest common denominators v. BHAGs, etc.
- advisory board meeting: discussed, planned Oct. 8 ad board meeting
insurance: ongoing discussion of D&O insurance.