Minutes for Meeting of Sep. 17, 2009
Next Meeting
- Luis
- Vincent
- Brian (late)
- Behdad
- Stormy
- Zana
- Jeff
- Lucas
- J5
Old items
- insurance: ACTION: Brian to talk to insurance agent about next action; Luis to continue review with SFLC.
- stormy goals: update on progress from John, Stormy; still working on formalizing.
financial report: http://ev.kde.org/reports/ev-quarterly-2008Q1-Q2.pdf - some discussion of whether or not that would be appropriate for us. ACTION: Vincent to publish to the web; Stormy to draft announce.
New items
- new board member (related: new meeting time?): discussed on the list
- format for next adboard meeting around usability (and accessibility): we will work with ad board pre-meeting to help set agenda. ACTION: Vuntz to get stormy topic list by Monday; more topic refinement to occur on board list.
- budget: Stormy and J5 have begun planning for 2009 budget; tentative decision to make this a nine-month budget and move budgeting process to align with the Oct.-Sept. Fiscal Year.
Recurring Items
- GUADEC: ongoing discussion on list; Stormy/J5 to seek more information on cost sharing.
- GNOME.Asia: general, dave replacement? ACTION: discuss on mailing list
- Friends of GNOME: Stormy moving forward on payment issues and on text for pages.
- hackfest: ACTION: vuntz to mail xan and tell him about goals (webkit integration in 2.26) and ask him about chpe/alp again