Minutes for Meeting of Aug. 6th
Next Meeting
- Luis
- Lucas
- Vincent
- Brian
- Behdad
- Stormy
- Zana
- J5
- Jeff
Old actions
* Stormy to notify ad board of schedule and discuss further topics [Done] * Stormy to ask board list for contact information for GTK meeting [ongoing; talking with Vincent and Dave] * Stormy to work with mobile committee; will delay press release until more substance is ready. * J5 to work on budget #s for Sunday.
New items
- mobile committee: ACTION: Luis to announce committee on Monday; to d-a-l (devel-announce-list), planet, and mobile (mobile-devel-list and maybe the private gnome-embedded).
Ongoing Items
- GNOME.Asia: ACTION: board to revisit travel once budget is updated.
- insurance: ongoing between insurance company, Bryan, and Stormy. ACTION: Luis to review with counsel.