Minutes for Meeting of July 23rd
Next Meeting
- Luis
- Lucas
- Vincent
- Brian
- Behdad
- Stormy
- Zana
- J5
- Jeff
Old items
- Zana wants to know if Baris is finished invoicing people
New items
- Ad board topics: proposed topics: Aug. finances, Sept. GTK3, Oct. GNOME Mobile ACTION: Vincent to ask GTK team if Sept. works; ACTION: Stormy to notify ad board of schedule and discuss further topics; ACTION: Stormy to ask board list for contact information for GTK meeting.
- mobile committee: Goal 1: summarize what GNOME Mobile needs, get back to us. ACTION: Stormy: ask proposed members about adding a fourth. ACTION: committee member to write press release.
- update budget: ACTION: Vincent to tackle if time before J5 returns from Aruba; deadline is first ad board meeting.
Ongoing Items
- GNOME.Asia: ACTION: Emily to reach out to translators; Brian, Emily, and Stormy to discuss budget for travel.
- insurance: ongoing between insurance company, Bryan, and Stormy.