Minutes for Meeting of Jun. 4th, 2008
Next Meeting
Jun. 18th, 2008
- Luis
- Lucas
- Vincent
- Brian
- Zana
- Behdad
- J5
- Jeff
Old items
- insurance: ACTION: Zana to fill out remaining sections of forms; J5 to submit after that.
New items
- Sponsorship rules: after difficulties with a sponsored traveler, board will consider putting together a formal sponsorship policy for sponsored event travelers. ACTION: Vincent to contact Jeff about using the Linux Foundation model form.
Ongoing Items
- GSOC: ongoing- students have started to code and report into the wiki. All is well.
- GNOME.asia: no recent contact, but everything appears to be going well. Some sponsorships coming in; not complete yet. Brian to review communications.
GUADEC: sponsorship almost done; registration open. DONE: board and advisory board meetings are on the public schedule. ACTIONS: Behdad to verify payment situation and double-check on where registration was announced. Behdad to send email to advisory board to ask for items for agenda. Vincent to email board-list for further discussion about Foundation Booth at GUADEC. Brian to talk to Baris about SunRay at GUADEC.
- GUADEC/Akademy 2009: bids close on June 15th.
- Summit: ACTION: J5 to follow up with MIT.
- Hackfest: Vincent discussing usability hackfest with interested parties.
- Latin America tour: Vincent spurring ongoing discussion amongst interested parties.
- Finances: Zana sent report to board. ACTION: Jeff and Zana to discuss potential financial commitments. ACTION: Behdad, Murray, and Zana to close out the GTK Hackfest account.
Merchandising: Mugs and t-shirts are ordered. No response from gnome-marketing-list on store; J5's inquiries into BrandFuel were discussed. ACTION: Vincent to send email about FoG campaign; Bryan to contact Dave and marketing list about store ideas and status of jewelry.
- a11y outreach: Two projects have now been accepted, but overall, not the hoped-for response.
- mango (sysadmin tool) improvements: there is some interest in contracting to improve this. ACTION: Vincent to send mail to board-list to discuss