Minutes for Meeting of Apr. 9th, 2008
Next Meeting
Apr. 23th, time TBD
- Lucas
- Brian
- J5
- Vincent
- Behdad
- Luis
- Jeff
Old Items
insurance: Brian wants to discuss gnome.asia inclusion and what to cut out.
- ACTION: Luis to do a final check on the form contents. ACTION: Zana to fill in the forms and J5 to sign them.
foundation.gnome.org: ACTION: Jeff to wiki-fy foundation.gnome.org, with privacy on by default. STATUS: ? Jeff missing.
system administrator: STATUS: on hold b/c of lack of time; volunteers to refine the job description needed- contact Vincent Untz. STATUS: draft of job description is fine, we need to work on some details, like how much money we'll use for this. Current proposal is $25k, need input from board to know if it's reasonable to hope to raise this amount of money. No change.
Business developer: We have a old draft job description (see also FoundationBoardPrivate/ExecutiveDirector); may need to refine/redraft/update. ACTION: J5 to look at old announces and update. STATUS: J5 has a skeleton of job description, on the wiki. ACTION: everyone to check it out and flesh it out.
Board Time Management: Board seems generally pleased with Tracks; ACTION: Luis to investigate sending out reminder emails for pending actions. STATUS: no change; Luis has been swamped.
- Vincent also reported on discussion he and Lucas had with a Cornelius Schumacher of KDE e.V. board at FOSDEM. A range of possibilities for cooperation, mostly around organizational aspects of foundations, hackfests on freedesktop.org standards, that kind of stuff. ACTION: Vincent to contact Cornelius to follow up. STATUS: Luis has contacted KDE with regards to trademark cooperation. Vincent still needs to mail the membership about those hackfests, and needs to ping Cornelius again to know if KDE is interested in the sysadmin too. No change.
New items
Ongoing Items
- Proposal period closed. Review is in process.
- ACTION: Behdad to pig Baris about accommodation.
a11y program:
- ACTION: Lucas and Vincent to make more noise about it.
merchandise: STATUS: ongoing;
- ACTION: Lucas to contact marketing-list. ACTION: Behdad to talk to Dave about jewelery agreement. ACTION: Lucas to work with Zana about mugs and subscriptions.
Google Summer of Code 2008: Many people helping. Fresh blood in. Sandy, Ryan, ... rocking!
GNOME.Asia: Agreed to give them $4k.
- ACTION: Brian to send their sponsorship request to adboard. ACTION: Brian to contact them re the $4k.
Linux Foundation: STATUS: Behdad updated the board on meeting with Jim Zemlin of TLF; no formal change in our relationship with them of yet. ACTION: Board members to discuss this at LF Collaboration Summit. STATUS:
GUADEC/Akademy: Let Akademy do their call-for-bid with the wording they want, GNOME do it with words we want, and a shared press release.
ACTION: Behdad to meet with Dave and Jim to work out LinuxFoundation commitment, if any. ACTION: Behdad to work with Dave getting the call and press release out.
GTK+ Hackfest: ACTION: Behdad to finish report and send to board.
Sponsorship bundles:
- ACTION: Vincent to work on a proposal for the adboard meeting at GUADEC.
Lucas: ACTION: Announce new affiliation.
Discussed on board-list since last meeting
GNOME to hold cairo funds: All agreed to host funds for cairo.
GUADEC adboard meeting date: Set to July 8th afternoon.
GUADEC meeting agenda Will have meeting board meetings on first and last days (7th, 12th).
Official status for 2nd German edition of "Official GNOME 2 Developer's Guide": Agreed to bless it. We also asked if it would be possible to have it translated in other languages.
LGM fundraiser: Agreed to host funds for LGM.
Webcam for the US event box: Agreed to buy one.
Yearly review with our part-time administrator: Vincent and Rosanna met on April 1st for Rosanna's yearly review. The result was positive and goals were set for the forthcoming year (Vincent: should we put the goals here?). The board agreed that Vincent will play a manager/liason-with-the-board role for Rosanna, and that Rosanna will be raised by 5% twice -- for her first year (where she wasn't raised) and for last year.