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Candidacy: Vincent Untz

More details about my GNOME life is available on VincentUntz.

75 words Summary

Hi, here I am, Vincent, 7 gnome-years old now. I'm running for the Foundation Board this year, after thinking hard about it. I believe the Foundation is doing great; it's certainly not perfect, but my feeling is that things have improved in the past few years. Being on the Board is the way I choose to make sure this goes on. Of course, I could pretend I'm perfect and... wait, I'm not perfect?

More Details

I started contributing to GNOME in 2002, and I've been working in various areas of the project since then -- bug triage, code, release management, local promotion, Foundation, etc. I have some irrational love for what we're doing!

I've been increasingly happy with what the Foundation has done in the past few years, and I believe this trend can go on if we keep working hard. And I'd like to help here. Of course, there's no need to be on the board to help (yes, everybody can contribute to the Foundation, don't tell me you didn't know that!).

I'm running for a few reasons:

Also, I enjoy sending my candidacy mail just before the deadline. This probably means something about me...

Previous and current responsibilities in the GNOME project

Apparently, it's now mandatory to list responsabilities. Here's what I can think of.



2024-10-23 11:07