15th February 2016



  • No se llegó a ninguna conclusión relativa al cambio de formato de las reuniones.
  • Se consideró, que sería mejor esperar a ver como evoluciona gnome-builder de cara al tema de las plantillas generadoras de proyectos 'from scratch'.

Resolviendo bugs: directorio de búsqueda en dispositivo extraíble

  • Bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=697803

  • Parche: gnome-control-centerl:src/cc-search-location-dialog.c:433
  • Icono simbólico: unavailable

  • Solución:
    • Si el fichero no existe consultar a Tracker si el path está dentro de un dispositivo extraíble para colocar un icono u otro indicador.
    • En cualquier caso mostrar en la lista.


  • Lightning talks (~10 min) - Talk
    • Nobody knows everything, so we could learn from the other. You can teach us something that could be valuable for the community
  • What have you done for GNOME during the past month? (~5/10 min) - Talk
    • Is important to share your work with others and much more if it is Free Software, show us what you have done recently for GNOME.
  • Keep your aplication up to date with GNOME patterns (~15 min) - Documentation
    • Share information and keep a sheet with useful information about recent changes and conventions around the applications.
  • Usability and UX, the great goal (~25 min) - Debate
    • Little debate around possible problems related with usability o user experience focused in the future and proposing alternatives.

Other work

  • MiguelVaello aims to craft a new DevAssistant[2] helper to generate custom GNOME projects from scratch in JavaScript or Python.

    • Sometimes is hard to start a new project even if you have some experience with the environment, so let's try to automate this tedius task.
  • Spread the word!

Events/GBeers/Madrid/Workboard (last edited 2016-02-16 19:14:25 by MiguelVaello)