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Boston Summit 2007

The 7th Boston Summit will be held on Columbus Day Long Weekend (October 6-8) in Boston, MA, USA at the Royal Sonesta Hotel.

The Boston Summit is a three-day hackfest for GNOME developers and contributors. It is not primarily aimed at users or new contributors, but if you want to jump right into the deep end, it's a fantastic way to meet everyone and get involved. Unlike traditional conferences, the Boston Summit is all about getting developers together and getting things done. While there are some non-hacking sessions, they are geared heavily towards many-to-many, interactive discussion and planning, rather than one-to-many presentations.


Schedule Details

It'll be held in a similar unconference style to last year, but with significantly more agitation for session proposals ahead of the event. We all sucked so badly in the mornings.

Getting There

Check the Royal Sonesta Hotel instruction, but in short, nearest T stop (subway, metro, ...) is Lechmere stop on the green line. There are shuttles from the airport to get to the T and essentially any other place in Boston.

During the conference, you can find attendees in #boston on, and might find the boston-social mailing list useful.

Making it better next year

Suggestions Page

2024-10-23 11:06