Coming to Boston 2006?
If you're coming to the Boston Summit 2006, make sure to add your name here...
JorgeCastro (Free beers on me for all Banshee hackers!)
LuisVilla4 (probably won't decide until night before, and might join up only for drinking... we'll see.
WillieWalker (I'm a "local")
TuomasKuosmanen (looking better, thanks for the luck
BillHaneman (not confirmed, but likely)
AaronLeventhal (local to Boston area, owner of Firefox 3 a11y)
HansPetterJansson (tentatively)
PeterParente (mid-day Sat-Monday + Mozilla a11y hackfest)
GinnChen (Firefox 3 a11y)
AndyFitzsimon ( confirmed ) - (looking forward to meeting steven, garrett, diana, mairin etc)
SteveLee (Arriving Saturday)
DavidBolter (Arriving Saturday, leaving Sunday evening)
KeithPackard (showing monitor hogpluggy sweetness)
AndreasNilsson (if I can afford it I'll come and chat about icons and stuff)
JohnRice ( interested in the a11y strand)
DavidMalcolm (interested in a11y, and automated testing/tinderbox stuff)
TomHinkle (likely will make it -- I'm a local)
MairinDuffy (branding/art!
MircoMüller (I would love to come... but without sponsorship for flights/shelter impossible)
ShaneAnderson (Sun+Mon+Mozilla a11y hackfest, new to Gnome)
BrettClippingdale (a11y hackfest, and ...?)
DavidSchlesinger (Lefty @ PalmSource)
TravisReitter (treitter)
ChristopherBlizzard (blizzard)
PatrickPletscher (tentatively)
- Brian Hursey