If you want to order a 2005 Summit t-shirt, put the size shirt you want to buy next to your name on the Wiki. Only a limited number of GNOME Summit shirts will be available for purchase during the Summit. Shirts are $18 each (XXL and XXXL $20.)
(Please keep this list alphabetically by first name...)
AaronBockover (M shirt)
AlexGraveley (M shirt) - Interested in beers with friends.
- Billy Biggs (M shirt)
BrandonHale (L shirt)
- Carlos Guerreiro (L shirt) - Performance and memory consumption of platform, GNOME in handhelds
ChrisRivera (XL shirt)
ChrisToshok (M shirt) - Interested in giving Graveley another wedgie.
ChristianHammond - VMware, Notifications, and Galago
ChristianMeyer (XL if it's not too big)
CrispinFlowerday (M shirt)
DanielVeillard - let's talk about performances, code checking and tools !
DanWinship - interested in glade3/gazpacho/stetic/GtkBuilder/LibgladeInGtk convergence and libsoup/gnet/libgnetwork/GOIO/GIOChannel/ProjectRidley possibilities
FedericoMenaQuintero (M shirt)
JakubSteiner - interested in talking about the unification of the look of apps the linux desktop.
JeffWaugh (2x XL shirt, if XL isn't absolutely huge in the USA; one for Jeff, one for Davyd)
JeroenZwartepoorte (L shirt)
JodyGoldberg - Deprecate libgnomeprint*, push for libgoffice document-centric tools
JoeShaw (L shirt)
JohnPalmieri (S shirt)
- John Rice - dtrace and performance
JorgeCastro - Marketing! Those caught not hacking will be rounded up for gnomejournal interviews! (1 XL shirt, 1 L for tseng)
- JPRosevear (XL shirt)
KeithPackard - hoping to increase ink and toner sales
- Kevin E. Martin
Kevin Ottens - Potential uses of HAL and NetworkManager in KDE
- Kristian Høgsberg
- Kurt Maute (L Shirt)
LaszloPeter - Sun gnome build jds opensolaris dude
- Leonid Moiseichuk (L shirt) - I am interested in low memory overhead GTK+
- Lorenzo Colitti - Startup performance!
LucPionchon (L shirt)
MaddogHall - I am interesting in talking about marketing, but will not be able to arrive until the nineth
MattColyer - Interested in collaborative editing (GOffice, gobby, chalks)
MarcoPresi (L Shirt)
MarkDrago (M Shirt) - Interested in talking about JHBuild & improving Gnome's testing
MatthiasClasen (I'll be there Saturday and Monday)
MichaelGauthier - Interested in helping NathanFredrickson with GtkSpell
MikaelHallendal - Let's hack!
NatFriedman - I'm interested in writing code with other people at the summit.
NathanYergler (Creative Commons)
- Onne Gorter - (size L shirt) - interested in eds and metadata handling/searching
OwenTaylor (L shirt)
PatSuwalski (L)
PhilipLangdale - VMware and Galeon (L shirt)
- Ray Strode
RobTaylor (M shirt) - audio/gstreamer/IPCF/Galago hacking, whoo!
RobertLove (L shirt)
RobertMcQueen (L shirt) - IPCF/Galago hacking.
RodneyDawes - I'm here for the punch and pie. Oh yeah. Fixing MIME types in the desktop would be nice too.
RodrigoMoya - Interested in talking about UnixPowerForDesktop.
RonaldBultje (L shirt)
- Ryan Collier - Interested in discussing Gnome interface design, usability, and related ideas. I'd also like to share ideas on Hula for those interested.
SeanHarshbarger (M Shirt)
SimoPiiroinen - Interested in performance and memory consumption
StevenGarrity - (M shirt) Looking to talk about visual unification in desktop Linux
SusanCragin -- Ubuntu afficionada
- Søren Sandmann
TomHinkle (L shirt) - used to working w/ pygtk/pygnome libs -- looking forward to watching the real GNOME work happen & learning how to get involved!
TommiKomulainen (L shirt)
TorLillqvist (XL shirt) - Looking forward to discuss porting GNOME libs (and apps) to Windows.
ZackCerza (M Shirt)