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GNOME London Beer

Following up from the resounding success of the previous GNOME hangers-on beer meetup it's time to do it all over again; we're also going to have special guests visiting London.

Date: Tuesday, March 19th, 2019.

Location: The Ship, near Monument (note: this is not the usual location, due to the hackfest being nearby)

Getting There: Map.


You can use the Underground line:

Time: 18:30 or so… Then onwards to food. We’ve booked 15 places at Anokha for 20:00. If you are planning on turning up for food without beer first, please get in touch.

There are various pubs in the area, as well as restaurants.

All GNOME hackers/contributors welcome.

Contact: PhilipWithnall

2024-10-23 11:06