GCI 2011 Task Proposals
Feel free to add GNOME tasks for GCI under the corresponding category after reading HowToWriteAGoodTask.
If you have a good idea for a proposal but no plans to be the mentor, get in contact with the relevant team/potential mentor first!
- GCI 2011 Task Proposals
- Code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
- Documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents
- Outreach: Tasks related to community management and outreach/marketing
- Quality Assurance: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality
- Research: Tasks related to studying a problem and recommending solutions
- Training: Tasks related to helping others learn more
- Translation: Tasks related to localization
- User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction
- General disclaimers
An example task looks like this (note that not all the fields are required right to have right now when posting a proposal, but they will be needed once the contest really starts in November):
Example Application/Area: Example task title
Task description: Consists of:
- An initial sentence or two that describes what the task entails and why a student would want to spend their time on it (emphasize importance to project, transferable skills...).
- Several sentences/bullets that provide more detail into the task: What approach should students use? What level of detail are you looking for?
Expected results: For example a patch, document, etc.
Requirements: A small list of skill requirements. This helps the students know if they might be able to complete the task, for example e.g. Git, programming languages, etc. Some links to relevant resources could also help.
Difficulty: (easy, medium, hard)
Estimated Time: The maximum time in hours
how long you think the task will take to complete, bearing in mind factors mentioned in the guidelines.
Mentor's name and email address: The person who will feel responsible for the task, who will monitor student submissions and give the final sign-off. This should be either you or someone who you have talked to about taking this on.
Code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
Documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents
Outreach: Tasks related to community management and outreach/marketing
Update the Outreach Program for Women page on live.gnome.org
Task description:
Update the OPW page to be a generic page about the outreach program, moving the contect about the specific programs to relevant sub-pages.
Expected results: "home page" for the OPW
Requirements: English; good skills in structuring and organizing content
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Website to feature GNOME talks
Task description:
- Make a website that shows where all the GNOME talks are and have been with links to any videos or slides.
Expected results: a website with all of the appropriate links
Requirements: English; ability to organize content; ability to find existing content on GNOME pages and the web
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Update GNOME Website
Task description:
- Go through GNOME's website and identify out of date sections, broken links and other areas that can be improved or updated.
Expected results: a report of the areas that need to be fixed
Requirements: English; structured approach for testing the website
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 1 day
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Write a history of the GNOME project
Task description:
- Research and write a history of the GNOME project.
Expected results: an article
Requirements: English; ability to find existing and rate relevant content on GNOME pages and the web
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Quality Assurance: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality
Research: Tasks related to studying a problem and recommending solutions
Training: Tasks related to helping others learn more
Make a video on how to install GNOME
Task description:
- Make a video targeted at very beginners, showing them how to get started on using GNOME, perhaps demonstrating on different environments.
Expected results: a video
Requirements: English; good, visual and video editing skills
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Make an instructional video for a particular GNOME software project
Task description:
- Make a video targeted at beginners, showing them how to use one piece of GNOME software, with tips tricks and shortcuts.
Expected results: a video
Requirements: English; good, visual and video editing skills
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Translation: Tasks related to localization
Translate GAP (GIMP) into Ukrainian (part 1)
Task description:
Translate into Ukrainian the part of popular image editor — GIMP. It's more than 6000 words. Here you can find the source. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of first part of GIMP GAP in Ukrainian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Ukrainian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at it yourself.
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: Daniel Korostil (ted.korostiled [at] gmail.com).
Translate GAP (GIMP) into Ukrainian (part 2)
Task description:
Translate into Ukrainian the part of popular image editor — GIMP. It's more than 6000 words. Here you can find the source. This task can NOT be claimed until the task "Translate GAP (GIMP) into Ukrainian (part 1)" is marked as completed. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of GIMP GAP in Ukrainian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Ukrainian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at it yourself.
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: Daniel Korostil (ted.korostiled [at] gmail.com).
User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction
General disclaimers
To be added to every task.
Before applying for a GNOME task please read https://live.gnome.org/GoogleCodeIn#Students:_Getting_Started