GCI 2011 Initial Task Proposals
Feel free to add GNOME tasks for GCI under the corresponding category after reading HowToWriteAGoodTask.
Please keep the lists sorted alphabetically by project name.
If you have a good idea for a proposal but no plans to be the mentor, get in contact with the relevant team/potential mentor first!
To get some ideas: Old GNOME proposals from 2009 and 2007 are available. The tasks of GCI 2010 2010 are available here. KDE's planning page for tasks is available here.
- GCI 2011 Initial Task Proposals
- Code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
- Documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents
Outreach: Tasks related to community management and outreach/marketing
- Improve the GNOME article on Wikipedia
- Improve general quality of GNOME application articles on Wikipedia
- Update the Outreach Program for Women page on live.gnome.org
- Boxes: start a home page
- Website to feature GNOME talks
- Update GNOME Website
- Write a history of the GNOME project
- Create a presentation to promote GNOME
- Design a template for one page release notes
- Quality Assurance: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality
- Research: Tasks related to studying a problem and recommending solutions
- Training: Tasks related to helping others learn more
Translation: Tasks related to localization
- Translate Cheese documentation into Latvian
- Translate Clock Applet Manual into Indonesian
- Translate Dictionary Manual into Indonesian
- Translate Gnome Desktop Help into Latvian, chapters on Files, folders and search
- Translate Gnome Desktop Help into Latvian, chapters on Shell
- Translate Gedit documentation into Latvian
- Translate Gedit documentation into Latvian
- Translate PiTiVi documentation into Ukrainian
- Translate OCRFeeder documentation into Ukrainian
- Translate GDU documentation into Ukrainian
- Translate GAP (GIMP) into Ukrainian (part 1)
- Translate GAP (GIMP) into Ukrainian (part 2)
- Translate GIMP documentation into Ukrainian
- Complete the gbrainy translation into Greek
- Add screenshots for Orca documentation in Greek
- User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction
- General disclaimers
An example task looks like this (note that not all the fields are required right to have right now when posting a proposal, but they will be needed once the contest really starts in November):
Example Application/Area: Example task title
Task description: Consists of:
- An initial sentence or two that describes what the task entails and why a student would want to spend their time on it (emphasize importance to project, transferable skills...).
- Several sentences/bullets that provide more detail into the task: What approach should students use? What level of detail are you looking for?
Expected results: For example a patch, document, etc.
Requirements: A small list of skill requirements. This helps the students know if they might be able to complete the task, for example e.g. Git, programming languages, etc. Some links to relevant resources could also help.
Difficulty: (easy, medium, hard)
Estimated Time: The maximum time in hours
how long you think the task will take to complete, bearing in mind factors mentioned in the guidelines.
Mentor's name and email address: The person who will feel responsible for the task, who will monitor student submissions and give the final sign-off. This should be either you or someone who you have talked to about taking this on.
Code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
Fix tab appearance in Anjuta
Task description:
The tabs drawn by Anjuta don't look exactly like the tabs drawn for GtkNotebook even if they roughly use the same code. This should be fined in the task. (see 623116)
Expected results: Patch (preferable git format-patch) to fix the issue. Good hints for fixing the issue might also be ok if fixing it ends up being too difficult.
Requirements: C programming, Gtk+/Gdk/Cairo programming, Git
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 96
Mentor's name and email address: JohannesSchmid
Boxes: populate installable ISO from tracker
Task description:
Boxes wizard allows to create VM easily. Currently you need to enter the ISO file location. Instead, tracker could search the available ISOs. Boxes code is in GNOME Git. Boxes' design planning page is in GNOME's wiki.
Expected results: Patch for a tracker miner to index bootable iso. (Patch for Boxes to populate the Wizard is optional)
Requirements: C and Vala programming, libosinfo Tracker miner, Git
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 96
Mentor's name and email address: ZeeshanAli MarcAndreLureau
Boxes: opacity of auto-hide toolbar
Task description:
- A toolbar is shown over the remote display when the user reaches the top-edge of the screen. This toolbar should have transparency, but cannot use Clutter.
Expected results: A patch to Boxes to add opacity to the display toolbar, probably based on composition, see GEdit patch. Boxes code is in GNOME Git. Boxes' design planning page is in GNOME's wiki.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 96
Mentor's name and email address: MarcAndreLureau
Boxes: Populate libosinfo database
Task description:
- Boxes relies on libosinfo for information on various operating systems information, including detection of operating systems given an installation media. Libosinfo maintains its database in the form of XML files. Currently this database is very much incomplete and useful information is limited to a handful of operating systems and distributions. The task would be to add/complete this information.
Expected results: Add/complete information of all Windows and Mac operating systems and all versions of Fedora, Suse, Ubuntu and Debian.
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 96
Mentor's name and email address: ZeeshanAli MarcAndreLureau
Switch from GtkVBox and GtkHBox to GtkBox in Cheese
Task description:
Cheese currently uses the GtkHBox and GtkVBox widgets, which are deprecated, in several places (bug 661661) and it would be nice to switch to GtkBox. There is some information on how to do the switch in the GtkHBox documentation. As well as editing code, the GtkBuilder UI description will need to be edited as well.
Expected results: An update to bug 661661 with a patch to switch from using GtkHBox and GtkVBox to just GtkBox.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: DavidKing
Add an option to disable connection notifications in Vino
Task description:
Vino currently pops up a notification when a user connects to the system. Some users would like to disable the notification, as in bug 588305, so a new GSettings option needs to be added to control this behaviour. There is no need to add anything to the UI to control this setting, as it should be hidden from most users because it would be a security risk. An old patch exists on the bug, which can be used as inspiration.
Expected results: An updated patch on bug 588305 which adds the GSetting and only shows connect notifications if it is enabled
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: DavidKing
Documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents
Documentation for UI editor in Anjuta
Task description:
Anjuta has an integrated user-interface editor based on glade. The integration helps especially to support the developer with connecting signals via drag&drop. But this feature is not really documented and as such not easy to find. However there are good tutorials (http://developer.gnome.org/gnome-devel-demos/unstable/) that explain the feature really well and are a good guideline for the documentation.
Expected results: Fill the current stub pages (http://developer.gnome.org/anjuta-manual/stable/) with actual content, maybe reorganizing the topics
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 108
Mentor's name and email address: JohannesSchmid
Add Drag and Drop Section to Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial
Task description:
The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial is currently missing a section that explains drag and drop. The task includes describing the most important classes and methods used to add drag and drop support to an application. In addition, a short example application that demonstrates the usage of the aforementioned classes and methods should be added. Unfortunately, currently no Python GTK+ 3 reference manual exists, but it is relativity easy to derive the API from the C reference manual. Helpful resources are the GTK+ 3 reference manual and gtkmm3 tutorial.
Expected results: A new page in reStructuredText format
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: sebp
Add Clipboard Section to Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial
Task description:
The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial is currently missing a section that describes how to make use of the clipboard in an application. During this task you should describe the most important classed and methods one needs to use the clipboard in an application. In addition, a short example application that demonstrates the usage of the aforementioned classes and methods should be added. Unfortunately, currently no Python GTK+ 3 reference manual exists, but it is relativity easy to derive the API from the C reference manual. Helpful resources are the GTK+ 3 reference manual, gtkmm3 tutorial and Python GTK+ 2 tutorial.
Expected results: A new page in reStructuredText format
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: sebp
Add GObject section to Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial
Task description:
The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial is currently missing a section that describes how to create GObjects within Python. You should describe how to add custom signals and properties to an GObject and how to emit those signals. In addition, you should add a short example that demonstrates the usage of the aforementioned classes and methods. Unfortunately, currently no Python GTK+ 3 reference manual exists, but it is relativity easy to derive the API from the C reference manual. Helpful resources are the GObject reference manual and gtkmm3 tutorial.
Expected results: A new page in reStructuredText format
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: sebp
Improve the Evolution user documentation
Task description:
The user documentation of Evolution ( http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/ ) was rewritten for GNOME 3.2: http://live.gnome.org/Evolution/DocRewrite . The old documentation in DocBook format looked like this: http://library.gnome.org/users/evolution/2.32/ . The new documentation in Mallard format looks like this: http://library.gnome.org/users/evolution/3.2/ . Your task is to fix the two bug reports https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=658810 (create a help page for problems with offline usage of Evolution) and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=657026 (write an introduction page for users that use Evolution for the first time and don't know what it is), and to fix mail-composer-html-text.page (the instructions on that page are partially wrong as the toolbar of the editor has been split into two toolbars for plain text and HTML mode, so this needs an update. Maybe we also need a way to describe the non-HTML-only functions for plain text mail somewhere?). After checking out Evolution from GNOME Git you can find the user documentation in the folder /help/C/. Before attaching the patches, check for syntax errors (either by using xmllint, or by simply starting "yelp ." in the docs folder and checking the output of the parser on the command line), and make sure when adding new pages to the documentation to update the list of files in help/Makefile.am!
Expected results: Two patches (preferable git format-patch) to fix the issues, attached to the corresponding bug reports in GNOME Bugzilla.
Requirements: Git, Mallard, a recent version of Evolution (3.2), good writing skills in English.
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: AndreKlapper
Help create documentation for gnome-sudoku
Task description:
Create topic-based help for users of gnome-sudoku (part of gnome-games) See bug 618342
Review existing topic drafts for usefulness and accuracy (printing, hints, trackers, statistics, bug reporting)
- Propose topics that you may think would be useful to users
- Fill in stub pages with user help, and/or write your own from scratch. Existing stubs that need content include introduction, basics, game rules, save-resume, highlighting, notes, toolbar, commandline, and keyboard shortcuts.
Expected results: 3-5 or more topics fully documented (and attached to the bug in the form of a git format-patch). Existing topics reviewed and other topics proposed, if need be.
Requirements: install gnome-games, understand gnome-sudoku, a good-command of English and ability to write and explain concepts clearly. An understanding of Mallard, gnome bugzilla and Git is a great asset.
- get the current version of the docs from git.gnome by typing in terminal:
- git clone git://git.gnome.org/gnome-games
then type:
- cd gnome-games/gnome-sudoku/help/C
and then type
- yelp index.page
This enables you to view the current state of the docs using Yelp.
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 80
Mentor's name and email address: TiffanyAntopolski
Note: The games Mahjongg See bug 618344 and gnomine are also candidates for Mallard documentation. At the moment, no outline or stubs or anything exists in the Mallard format for these games. If you would like to contribute to these documentation efforts, it would involve writing the docs from scratch. You would learn tonnes! Feel free to contact me and we could discuss it.
Outreach: Tasks related to community management and outreach/marketing
Improve the GNOME article on Wikipedia
Task description:
Improve the quality of the GNOME article on the English Wikipedia, expanding it with more up-to-date information, adding references where needed, improving wording, improve linking, update the list of GNOME applications.
Expected results: up-to-date GNOME article and list of GNOME applications
Requirements: English; latest version of GNOME (3.2) installed
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: EkaterinaGerasimova
Improve general quality of GNOME application articles on Wikipedia
Task description:
- Updated information and screenshots for GNOME application-specific articles on Wikipedia, add references where needed and expand stubs.
Expected results: improved, better referenced and up-to-date coverage of GNOME applications on Wikipedia
Requirements: English; latest version of GNOME (3.2) installed
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 96
Mentor's name and email address: EkaterinaGerasimova
Update the Outreach Program for Women page on live.gnome.org
Task description:
Update the OPW page to be a generic page about the outreach program, moving the contect about the specific programs to relevant sub-pages.
Expected results: "home page" for the OPW
Requirements: English; good skills in structuring and organizing content
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Boxes: start a home page
Task description:
- Boxes is a simple GNOME 3 application to access remote or virtual systems. There is no homepage yet. However there are mockups, goals and non-goals.
Boxes needs a nice homepage with content to market it. Boxes code is in GNOME Git. Boxes' design planning page is in GNOME's wiki.
Expected results: a set mockups or web pages with materials: text, images, videos ..
Requirements: familiarity with GNOME projects and virtualization (VMWare, VirtualBox, VirtualPC)
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 80
Mentor's name and email address: MarcAndreLureau
Website to feature GNOME talks
Task description:
- Make a website that shows where all the GNOME talks are and have been with links to any videos or slides.
Expected results: a website with all of the appropriate links
Requirements: English; ability to organize content; ability to find existing content on GNOME pages and the web
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Update GNOME Website
Task description:
- Go through GNOME's website and identify out of date sections, broken links and other areas that can be improved or updated.
Expected results: a report of the areas that need to be fixed
Requirements: English; structured approach for testing the website
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 1 day
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Write a history of the GNOME project
Task description:
- Research and write a history of the GNOME project.
Expected results: an article
Requirements: English; ability to find existing and rate relevant content on GNOME pages and the web
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Create a presentation to promote GNOME
Task description:
- Write a short (10 minutes) presentation to promote GNOME, including slides and speaker notes
- Students can choose to promote a particular area of the GNOME project - they can focus on promoting GNOME software, or on encouraging contributors, for example
Slides should be produced in odp format (using LibreOffice or OpenOffice)
Expected results: presentation slides and speaker notes
Requirements: familiarity with presentation software, ability to research a topic, writing and art/design skills
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 96
Mentor's name and email address: AllanDay
Design a template for one page release notes
Task description:
Create a design for a one page release notes document (see http://mairin.wordpress.com/2009/11/13/fedora-12-one-page-release-notes-pdf/ )
You can use material from the last GNOME release: http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.2/
- Existing GNOME graphics can be used. See gnome.org for examples.
Expected results: a new design made using Inkscape
Requirements: art and design skills, ability to summarise information, Inkscape knowledge recommended
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 60
Mentor's name and email address: AllanDay
Quality Assurance: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality
Triage Brasero bugs
Task description:
Triage Brasero bugs as per Bugsquad guide on https://live.gnome.org/Bugsquad/TriageGuide/
Expected results: most "unconfirmed" bugs being triaged (duplicate bugs being marked as such, most unconfirmed bugs changing to a new/needinfo/resolved status, responses to bugs that need them and so on)
Requirements: Latest version of Brasero (that means 3.2, or even the unstable development version 3.3.1 or a build from Git), computer with CD/DVD drive, English
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 96
Mentor's name and email address: EkaterinaGerasimova, AndreKlapper
Test and report bugs for Boxes
Task description:
- Boxes is a new GNOME application to create virtual machines and connect to remote display.
- The first release should be tested thoroughly and bug should be filed for features not working properly or other anomalies.
Expected results: A number of new bugs filed in bugzilla.gnome.org, following good practices: versions, steps to reproduce, result, expected result, backtrace, notes, ... See
Requirements: Fedora 16 + jhbuild builds. Familiarity with GNOME projects and virtualization (VMWare, VirtualBox, VirtualPC).
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 84
Mentor's name and email address: MarcAndreLureau
Review C developer tutorials
Task description:
Review the C tutorials for GNOME (http://developer.gnome.org/gnome-devel-demos/unstable/)
- Check that the tutorials work with the latest version of GNOME 3.2
- Check that all ui elements are named correctly
- File bugs (extra-points for patches) if something needs to be changed
Expected results: A number of new bugs filed in bugzilla.gnome.org, following good practices against the gnome-devel-docs modules
Requirements: Latest GNOME (3.2) installed (Fedora 16+ or Ubuntu 11.10, some C/programming knowledge)
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 1 day
Mentor's name and email address: JohannesSchmid
Implement a non-interactive test for Cheese
Task description:
Expected results: A git-formatted patch for Cheese to add a non-interactive test, attached to bug 663148.
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 110
Mentor's name and email address: DavidKing
Triage Anjuta enhancement bugs
Task description:
Triage Anjuta bugs as per Bugsquad guide on https://live.gnome.org/Bugsquad/TriageGuide/
Expected results: most "unconfirmed" bugs being triaged (duplicate bugs being marked as such, most unconfirmed bugs changing to a new/needinfo/resolved status, responses to bugs that need them and so on). Especially take care if the plugins the bugs were filed against still exist. Bonus points for setting useful importance fields (use common sense) and updating the version to "git master" if the feature isn't implemented yet.
Requirements: latest version of Anjuta (that means 3.2, or even the unstable development version 3.3.1 or a build from Git)), English
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 100
Mentor's name and email address: JohannesSchmid, AndreKlapper
Research: Tasks related to studying a problem and recommending solutions
Investigate how to do motion detection of a Cheese video stream
Task description:
- Investigate how to do motion detection of a Cheese video stream with GStreamer. With this feature, Cheese could be used as a security camera, or for fun, to capture photos of people coming into a room or walking past a window.
- It would be good to know:
- which GStreamer element/plugin can do motion detection
A motioncells element was added to the OpenCV plugin in gst-plugins-bad, which might do what Cheese needs
- how to control the sensitivity and other parameters of the detection
- which GStreamer element/plugin can do motion detection
Expected results: An update to bug 655183 with a description of which GStreamer elements are required to do motion detection in Cheese and how to control the sensitivity of the detection
Requirements: C programming, GStreamer programming, English
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 100
Mentor's name and email address: DavidKing
Investigate the algorithmic complexity of GLib data structures
Task description:
Investigate the algorithmic complexity, and document it using big O notation, for each function in the data structures GSList, GList, GHashTable and GTree. Example: g_list_find() or g_list_remove() are O(n) where n is the length of the list. Mention common pitfalls for functions which are normally called in repeated fashion, such as g_list_append() (it is O(n), but calling it to build a list results in O(n^2) behavior)
Expected results: A new bug report against the GLib product, with the big O notation of each data structure function in a comment.
Requirements: C programming knowledge, basic knowledge of algorithms, English
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: DavidKing
Investigate using libssh in Vinagre
Task description:
Investigate what changes would be required in Vinagre to replace the current command-line SSH client support with libssh. There are some difficult low-level problems (644432) with the current SSH handling, and libssh should make the SSH code more robust for users, and easier to maintain for developers.
- It would be good to have an idea of:
- What API is needed to setup an SSH terminal session
- What API is needed to setup an SSH tunnel
How to integrate libssh into the GLib mainloop (might be worth looking at the Remmina implementation of this)
Expected results: A bug report with a moderately detailed description of how to use libssh in Vinagre. No code is required, but links to API documentation are encouraged.
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: DavidKing
Investigate the status of user help in GNOME applications
Task description:
- Investigate the state of GNOME user help for all GNOME applications, identifying which projects need more work.
The results should be recorded on the application help tasks page, the following points should be covered:
- investigate if any applications which are accessible by users (as applications or through preference dialogues) are missing from the list
- investigate the latest status of porting (in master) for each application, update as needed with more details; there should be a status for every application
- investigate if any applications have been ported to Mallard without being rewritten in a task oriented style, update the status as needed
Expected results: updated application help tasks page on live.gnome.org
Requirements: git, computer running GNOME 3, English
Difficulty: easy-average
Estimated Time: 100
Mentor's name and email address: EkaterinaGerasimova
Boxes: investigate slower remote display in Clutter
Task description:
When embedded in a Clutter GtkActor, a Spice display feels slower, with more lag. It would be helpful to know where that "slowness" come from and how it could be improved.
Expected results: uprof report of Spice display in ClutterGtk and a patch/hack for a proposed solution that improve performance.
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 84
Mentor's name and email address: MarcAndreLureau
Training: Tasks related to helping others learn more
Publish documentation on adding Help buttons to applications
Task description:
Create a page which explains how to add help buttons to applications which link correctly to Mallard help. Some basic information is already available on the wiki, but more detailed information is needed.
Expected results: a page on live.gnome.org
Requirements: some knowledge of C, English
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 72
Mentor's name and email address: EkaterinaGerasimova
Publish documentation on GNOME Shell Extensions
Task description:
Write a few paragraphs instructing others about Shell extensions and development, especially about the new live enabling and disabling infrastructure.
- It would be good to have an idea of:
Shell extensions in general. Web development knowledge can help here as Shell extensions use JS and CSS. Finnbarr Murphy's tutorials are accessible, but outdated.
Expected results: A blog post or article that we can publish detailing what a Shell extension is, what it can do, and the steps required to create a simple one that can be live-toggled.
Requirements: JavaScript programming, Shell knowledge, English.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: JasperStPierre
Make a video on how to install GNOME
Task description:
- Make a video targeted at very beginners, showing them how to get started on using GNOME, perhaps demonstrating on different environments.
Expected results: a video
Requirements: English; good, visual and video editing skills
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Make an instructional video for a particular GNOME software project
Task description:
- Make a video targeted at beginners, showing them how to use one piece of GNOME software, with tips tricks and shortcuts.
Expected results: a video
Requirements: English; good, visual and video editing skills
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: KarenSandler
Clean up and restructure the GNOME Translation Project wiki frontpage
Task description:
GNOME is available in many languages. Apart from trying to get more people into translating and having more supported languages, there are also many things worth to know for existing translators, but the content is not easily "findable" on the wiki pages under http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject . Your task is to provide a draft for a new and cleaner structure for http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject . This requires reading and understanding which wikipages contain which content, plus it might also require creating new pages, deleting existing pages, or splitting/moving content.
To get an idea (that does not mean "copy it", just one possible idea), take a look at the old version of the frontpage of the Documentation wikipages on https://live.gnome.org/action/recall/DocumentationProject?action=recall&rev=55 , and the current (simplified and better structured) version on https://live.gnome.org/DocumentationProject .
- This task is a mixture of Training (for existing translators), Outreach (for new contributors), and Translation (the area).
Expected results: A draft for a revamped TranslationProject wiki frontpage, preferably delivered as a separate wikipage on live.gnome.org (please do not edit the existing page http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject directly). Resolving this task might need more than one iteration plus some reviews, so it is better to ask for feedback early and not at the very last moment.
Requirements: Skills in organizing and structuring information; interest in Localization and understanding of commonly needed information
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 100
Mentor's name and email address: AndreKlapper
Translation: Tasks related to localization
Translate Cheese documentation into Latvian
Task description:
Translate into Latvian the documentation for Cheese, the webcam application. It consists of approximately 150 sentences. You can take a look at the rendered English version here. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of Cheese documentation in Latvian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Latvian. A recent GNOME desktop environment (version 3.2) and a working webcam are recommended.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: RūdolfsMazurs, Pēteris Krišjānis (pecisk [at] gmail.com), Anita Reitere (nitalynx [at] gmail.com)
Translate Clock Applet Manual into Indonesian
Task description:
Translate into Indonesian the documentation for GNOME Panel-Clock Applet Manual. It consists of approximately 115 sentences. You can take a look at the rendered English version here. General information on translating GNOME can be found here. Please see GNOME Indonesian Translation Project for Indonesian specific information.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of Clock Applet Manual in Indonesian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Indonesian. A recent GNOME desktop environment (version 3.2) is recommended.
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: AndikaTriwidada
Translate Dictionary Manual into Indonesian
Task description:
Translate into Indonesian the documentation for gnome-utils Dictionary Manual. It consists of approximately 104 sentences. You can take a look at the rendered English version here. General information on translating GNOME can be found here. Please see GNOME Indonesian Translation Project for Indonesian specific information.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of Dictionary Manual in Indonesian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Indonesian. A recent GNOME desktop environment (version 3.2) is recommended.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 100
Mentor's name and email address: AndikaTriwidada
Translate Gnome Desktop Help into Latvian, chapters on Files, folders and search
Task description:
Translate into Latvian the Gnome Desktop Help chapters about Files, folders and search (strings from 531 to 785). It consists of approximately 600 sentences. You can take a look at the rendered English version here. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Translated chapters of help on files, folders and search in Gnome desktop help.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Latvian. A recent GNOME desktop environment (version 3.2) is recommended.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: RūdolfsMazurs, Pēteris Krišjānis (pecisk [at] gmail.com), Anita Reitere (nitalynx [at] gmail.com)
Translate Gnome Desktop Help into Latvian, chapters on Shell
Task description:
Translate into Latvian the Gnome Desktop Help chapters about Shell (strings from 1994 to 2231). It consists of approximately 500 sentences. You can take a look at the rendered English version here. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Translated chapters of shell in Gnome desktop help.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Latvian. A recent GNOME desktop environment (version 3.2) (particularly GNOME Shell) is recommended.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: RūdolfsMazurs, Pēteris Krišjānis (pecisk [at] gmail.com), Anita Reitere (nitalynx [at] gmail.com)
Translate Gedit documentation into Latvian
Task description:
Translate into Latvian the documentation for the first half of Gedit, the default GNOME text editor. It consists of approximately 250 sentences (strings from 1 to 220). You can take a look at the rendered English version here. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Completed 50% of Gedit documentation in Latvian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Latvian. A recent GNOME desktop environment (version 3.2) is recommended.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 100
Mentor's name and email address: RūdolfsMazurs, Pēteris Krišjānis (pecisk [at] gmail.com), Anita Reitere (nitalynx [at] gmail.com)
Translate Gedit documentation into Latvian
Task description:
Translate into Latvian the documentation for the second half of Gedit, the default GNOME text editor. It consists of approximately 250 sentences (strings from 221 to 402). You can take a look at the rendered English version here. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Completed 50% of Gedit documentation in Latvian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Latvian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at Gedit yourself.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 100
Mentor's name and email address: RūdolfsMazurs, Pēteris Krišjānis (pecisk [at] gmail.com), Anita Reitere (nitalynx [at] gmail.com)
Translate PiTiVi documentation into Ukrainian
Task description:
Translate into Ukrainian the documentation for GNOME videoeditor PiTiVi. It's less than 6000 words + 17 images. Here you can find the source. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of PiTiVi documentation in Ukrainian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Ukrainian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at PiTiVi yourself.
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: Daniel Korostil (ted.korostiled [at] gmail.com).
Translate OCRFeeder documentation into Ukrainian
Task description:
Translate into Ukrainian the documentation for GNOME OCR OCRFeeder. It's more than 2000 words +2 image. Here you can find the source. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of OCRFeeder documentation in Ukrainian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Ukrainian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at OCRFeeder yourself.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 80
Mentor's name and email address: Daniel Korostil (ted.korostiled [at] gmail.com).
Translate GDU documentation into Ukrainian
Task description:
Translate into Ukrainian the documentation for GNOME disk utility. It's more than 500 words +1 image. Here you can find the source. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of GDU documentation in Ukrainian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Ukrainian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at GNOME disk utility yourself.
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: Daniel Korostil (ted.korostiled [at] gmail.com).
Translate GAP (GIMP) into Ukrainian (part 1)
Task description:
Translate into Ukrainian the part of popular image editor — GIMP. It's more than 6000 words. Here you can find the source. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of first part of GIMP GAP in Ukrainian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Ukrainian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at it yourself.
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: Daniel Korostil (ted.korostiled [at] gmail.com).
Translate GAP (GIMP) into Ukrainian (part 2)
Task description:
Translate into Ukrainian the part of popular image editor — GIMP. It's more than 6000 words. Here you can find the source. This task can NOT be claimed until the task "Translate GAP (GIMP) into Ukrainian (part 1)" is marked as completed. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of GIMP GAP in Ukrainian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Ukrainian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at it yourself.
Difficulty: hard
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: Daniel Korostil (ted.korostiled [at] gmail.com).
Translate GIMP documentation into Ukrainian
Task description:
Translate into Ukrainian the part of documentation for popular image editor GIMP. It's about 1500 words. Here you can find the source. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of first part of GIMP documentation in Ukrainian.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Ukrainian. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at it yourself.
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 80
Mentor's name and email address: Daniel Korostil (ted.korostiled [at] gmail.com).
Complete the gbrainy translation into Greek
Task description:
Complete the translation into Greek of gbrainy. gbrainy is a game for children. It consists of approximately 400 messages. General information on translating GNOME into Greek can be found here. Contact the Greek GNOME community for any help. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed translation of gbrainy UI in Greek.
Requirements: Good understanding of English and Greek. Experience in using the GNOME Desktop environment in Greek will be helpful. A recent Gnome desktop environment (3.0 or better 3.2) is highly recommended to be able take a look at gbrainy yourself.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: Simos Xenitellis, (simos [at] gnome.org)
Add screenshots for Orca documentation in Greek
Task description:
Add the screenshots in Greek for the Orca documentation. Orca is the accessibility application for GNOME. It consists of 45 localisable screenshots. General information on taking screenshots for the documentation can be found here. Contact the Greek GNOME community for any help. General information on translating GNOME can be found here.
Expected results: Fully completed list of 45 screenshots of Orca showing the messages in the Greek language.
Requirements: Good understanding of how Orca works. Latest version of Orca (that means 3.2, or even the unstable development version 3.3.1 or a build from Git). Experience in using the GNOME Desktop environment in Greek will be helpful.
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 64
Mentor's name and email address: Simos Xenitellis, (simos [at] gnome.org)
User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction
Investigate usability of GNOME applications on netbooks
Task description:
- Investigate usability of GNOME applications when used on netbooks with 1024x600 pixel screen.
Results should be listed on a page in live.gnome.org, covering some points:
- application name
- usability status: good/some problem/unusable; example for problems are: minimum window/dialog size are bigger than display area, buttons in dialog are located outside of display area
- detailed info about which window/dialog having usability problem (name of the window, preferably the steps to get that window displayed)
- screenshot of those problems
Expected results: usability table on live.gnome.org
Requirements: netbook with 1024x600 resolution running GNOME 3.2 or a GNOME 3.2 guest VM run in a 1024x600 window; English; structured approach to testing welcome (and explaining your plans in the task before starting with it)
Difficulty: easy-average
Estimated Time: 120
Mentor's name and email address: AndikaTriwidada NickRichards
Write settings panel descriptions
Task description:
- Each of the 'panels' which contain system settings has a description. We need suggestions for how to improve these.
- These descriptions are displayed when someone performs a search from within the system settings window
Expected results: a list of new descriptions for each of the GNOME system settings panels.
Requirements: ability to test and understand software settings and the ability to write clear English; GNOME version 3.2
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 80
Mentor's name and email address: AllanDay
Design a new Baobab chart type
Task description:
- Baobab, the GNOME disk usage analyser currently includes two types of interactive charts - treemap and ring. We want you to design us a third
- You will need to produce graphics that illustrate your design, preferably using an open source graphics application like Inkscape
Expected results: visual designs for the new chart type
Requirements: graphics skills, particularly computer graphics; GNOME version 3.2
Difficulty: medium
Estimated Time: 108
Mentor's name and email address: AllanDay
Redesign the Cheese preferences dialog
Task description:
The Cheese preferences dialog is quite tall, which does not work well for netbooks or devices with smaller landscape screens, where the dialog can spill off the bottom of the screen. It needs to be redesigned to be more friendly for those conditions, and simplified if possible, as it currently presents some low-level controls to the user. More details, and a screenshot, are in bug 663146.
Expected results: A mockup of a new preferences dialog design, attached to bug 663146, which can be implemented by a Cheese developer. Optionally, a Glade UI file of the mockup.
Requirements: Glade for prototyping designs, optionally a graphics package for creating a mockup
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 74
Mentor's name and email address: DavidKing (a UI design mentor would also be welcome)
Design a bookmark editing dialog for Vinagre
Task description:
Expected results: A mockup of a new bookmarks dialog design, attached to bug 661001, which can be implemented by a Vinagre developer. Optionally, a Glade UI file of the mockup.
Requirements: Glade for prototyping designs, optionally a graphics package for creating a mockup
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 74
Mentor's name and email address: DavidKing (a UI design mentor would also be welcome)
General disclaimers
To be added to every task.
Before applying for a GNOME task please read https://live.gnome.org/GoogleCodeIn#Students:_Getting_Started