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Further Information for Student Contestants

Running GNOME

For most of the tasks you need a recent GNOME environment running. Any recent distribution (like Fedora, openSuse, Mandriva, Gentoo, or partially Ubuntu) do the job, but if you don't have one installed, or what you have is too old, checkout Jhbuild which can compile and install the most recent version in parallel to your stable system. Be warned that you will likely run into problems when trying for the first time but the GNOME community and information on the wiki will help you. For just a quick use of the latest GNOME version a live CD of a recent distribution might also work out.

Getting Help

If you have signed up to complete a particular task and you have some specific questions about how best to complete it, first check the task description for who to contact for assistance. For general questions these resources should be helpful to you:

Contacting the Administrators

If you need to contact a GNOME administrator for Google Code-In, please contact the soc-mentors-list mailing list. It is a private mailing list where you can reach all the administrators. Please prefer sending a mail to the gnome-love mailing list for issues that are not private.

Licensing and Attribution

The Google Code-In contest requires any code and other contributions you provide to be given under an open source license, to ensure your work is available for use by anyone in the world.

The GNOME modules are released under various free software licenses, generally the GPLv2 (and later) and the LGPLv2 (and later). Therefore you agree that the code, ideas and all other aspects of your contributions in your entry are released under the same license as the the module you're contributing to, so that they may be included in the GNOME project.

More info: Contest Official Rules.

We are very pleased to have your help and as a courtesy are happy to attribute your work in various places, for example in blog posts. We will assume you want your name mentioned unless you suggest an alias, or the desire to remain anonymous.

Other Questions

If you have a question not answered here that is related to contest mechanics, your best bet is to check out Google's contest page for more details. You can also contact the Google Code-In Discuss mailing list.

If you have a question not answered here that is related to a particular task or about the GNOME project in general, please contact the gnome-love mailing list.

2024-10-23 11:06