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FOSDEM 2009: GNOME Developer Room

Who What Where When Why

The FOSDEM GNOME Developer Room is a casual get together for GNOME lovers in Europe to meet with their favourite hackers and discuss all things GNOMEy. Please let us know you're coming by adding your name to Brussels2009/Attendees. Check the FOSDEM website for more information about the main conference.

We will also have a GNOME booth: Brussels2009/Stand.

What can you expect to have as material

(but as with any conference you make things vastly easier for yourself and organisers by having a hardcopy and providing organisers with copies of your notes wherever possible or appropriate)


We'll be working on a call for presentation and then a schedule. Please contact ChristopheFergeau if you want to present something in the devroom!

On Saturday, we'll have the room from 13.00 to 19.00 for GNOME specific talks. On Sunday, we'll be in room H.1301 from 9.00 to 17.00 for crossdesktop talks (GNOME+KDE+XFCE)

Saturday, February 7




13:15 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:15

The People framework

Johann Prieur & Ali Sabil

14:15 - 15:00

The Hynerian Empire

Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)

15:00 - 15:45

The Sugar platform

Tomeu Vizoso

15:45 - 16:15

Group Picture

Vincent Untz

16:15 - 17:00

Bringing geolocation into GNOME

Pierre-Luc Beaudoin

17:00 - 17:45

Nemiver, A GNOME Debugger

Dodji Seketeli

17:45 - 18:30


Philip Van Hoof

18:30 - 19:00


Reminder: on Sunday, we'll share the devroom with KDE people for talks of interest to both groups

Sunday, February 8




KDE / GNOME /XFCE interaction

10:00 - 10:15


10:15 - 11:00


Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

11:00 - 11:45

Xfce 4.6 and then?

Jannis Pohlmann

11:45 - 13:00

Lunch Break

13:00 - 13:45

CMake - what can it do for your project

Alexander Neundorf

13:45 - 14:30

WebKit on ebook readers

Marco Barisione

14:30 - 15:15

Xfce as a Platform

Stephan Arts

15:15 - 16:00

How To Be A Lumberjack (or "Why Logs Are Important")

Paul Adams

16:00 - 16:45

D-Bus cross desktop Accessibility

Mark Doffman

16:45 - 17:00


Presenters & their presentation


Talk title


Short Bio

Johann Prieur & Ali Sabil

The People framework

The People framework provides an unified way for applications to access and gather contact information from disconnected sources (local address-book, social network, web service, mobile phone...). It's been presented during last GUADEC in Istanbul and we would like to update the community on progress made, presenting demos such as experimental integration within Empathy.

Tomeu Vizoso

The Sugar platform

Sugar is a learning platform with an architecture very close to GNOME Mobile, its goal is to "provide a simple yet powerful means of engaging young children in the world of learning that is opened up by computers and the Internet". As Sugar is focused in a user group that no other free desktop has targeted before, we have been able to introduce new UI elements and test their usability. This work might help future GNOME releases that wish to introduce novel UI features like a task-based workflow, a journal, navigation when all windows are full-screen, etc

Tomeu Vizoso started developing free software as a volunteer for OLPC in 2006. Was contracted by OLPC for nearly two years to keep developing Sugar and now is again a volunteer in SugarLabs working on bringing better educational experiences with computers to children all over the world.

Mark Doffman

D-Bus cross desktop Accessibility

The Project is converting the AT-SPI accessibility protocol to D-Bus and has the lofty goals of providing cross desktop accessibility for GNOME and KDE. The talk will touch briefly on the story of the project but focus on the technical aspects of producing one of the most complicated D-Bus libraries around.

Mark Doffman is a 28 year old software developer for Codethink Ltd.

Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)

The Hynerian Empire

Rygel is an implementation of the UPnP MediaServer V 2.0 specification that is specifically designed for GNOME (Mobile). It is based on GUPnP and is written (mostly) in Vala language. I will start the presentation with information on the past, present and future of Rygel project. I will then introduce the plugin API with the help of a Sample plugin, followed by a demo and Q&A session in the end.

Zeeshan Ali is a Lead Developer at Nokia Maemo in Helsinki, Finland and a GNOME developer. He started as a GStreamer plugin and application developer and got his first share of fame in the GNOME community for his video-whale project. For the past two year, he had been obsessed with UPnP/DLNA and in turn the GUPnP project. Thanks to Nokia, he recently started to work full-time on his UPnP/DLNA MediaServer project, Rygel.

Marco Barisione

WebKit on ebook readers

I will give a brief introduction on how WebKit GTK works and on how it can be easily embedded in applications. Then I will explain what I did to adapt WebKit to electronic ink displays, reducing the number of refreshes, allowing a book-like page by page view of web pages and showing useful and meaningful placeholders instead of animated content.

Marco Barisione has been working on WebKit for ebook readers since he joined Collabora in March 2008, working both on general issues and feature additions as well as on changes required for electonic ink displays. Before WebKit he worked on file transfer in the Telepathy communication framework, on regular expression support in GLib and on the new syntax highlighting engine used by GtkSourceView.

Pierre-Luc Beaudoin

Bringing geolocation into GNOME

This talk will be about some of the efforts to bring geolocation into Gnome. In particular, it'll focus on the Gtk/Clutter widget to display maps: and geoclue. It'll go on with examples of where they are already used in Gnome apps (such as the EOG plugin and Empathy (in a feature to be released soon)).

Pierre-Luc Beaudoin has been working on many projects since he joined Collabora in Novembre 2007. He contributed to both WebKitGtk and QtWebkit since then. A graduate from École de technologie supérieure (Montréal), he's been involved in FOSS since the beginning of this studies (from university LUG to developer). He is the main author of libchamplain.

Jannis Pohlmann

Xfce 4.6 and then?

This talk will be about the new Xfce release and it will also try to answer what comes after 4.6. Some of the new features of Xfce 4.6 will be presented and explained, the release process will be evaluated. Finally, we will give a feature preview for Xfce 4.8.

Jannis Pohlmann is a 23-year-old computer science student living in Lübeck, Germany. He invests much of his free time into playing several instruments and Xfce, where he has contributed to a number of components over the years. He's also the Xubuntu Xfce Liaison and a Lunar Linux contributor.

Stephan Arts

Xfce as a Platform

This talk is especially targeted to software developers, distributions and other software vendors. It will cover the APIs and infrastructure provided by the Xfce project. We will explain libraries and tools, how they work together and how you can use them for your own software project or distribution. Special focus will be put on Xfconf and ways to extend Xfce.

Stephan Arts is a 23-year-old IT professional living in The Netherlands. Stephan is practicing aikido and ballroom dancing besides developing on various components for Xfce in his spare time.

Philip Van Hoof


This talk is mostly targeted to software developers, distributions and other software vendors. It will be about what the latest Tracker release is all about and what we will be doing in future with relation to semantic desktops.

Philip Van Hoof is a 28-year-old independent IT professional living in Belgium.

Yu Feng

Global Menu without a Patch

This talk is to introduce the rewritten Global Menu (formally mac menu) to the GNOMErs. It covers the desktop environment independent Global Menu specification, how this specification is implemented in GNOME and GTK, various difficulties and how they are solved. The possibility of a QT implementation may also be part of the talk.

Yu Feng is a Chinese physics PhD student studying in US. Yu has been spending his spare time on Global Menu, Gtk and Vala for one year.

Paul Adams

How To Be A Lumberjack (or "Why Logs Are Important")

This talk will show how we can use SVN log analysis to monitor a migration away from SVN to git.

Alexander Neundorf

CMake - what can it do for your project

This talk will be an introduction to CMake. It will talk about some of its advantages, some experiences we have with it in KDE, etc. The target audience is mainly projects that do not yet use CMake.

Alexander Neundorf is working on KDE since 1998 and since 2006 he is the maintainer of the CMake based buildsystem of KDE 4. Due to this involvement since 2007 he is also actively working on CMake. From 2002 to 2007 he was working as firmware developer for digital cameras at Jenoptik LOS GmbH, and last year he started a new job as research assistant at the TU Kaiserslautern at the chair for real-time systems.

Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

A talk on FLOSSMetrics

This talk would introduce the FLOSSMetrics project, its aims and initial findings. The main objective of FLOSSMETRICS is to construct, publish and analyse a large scale database with information and metrics about libre software development coming from several thousands of software projects, using existing methodologies, and tools already developed.

Dodji Seketeli

Nemiver, A GNOME debugger

This talk will introduce Nemiver, present its history, features and architecture. The main objective of Nemiver is to provide a simple tool that allows developers to quickly and easily debug usual problems in their applications without necessarily having to know about command line debuggers arcanes.

Dodji Seketeli is a software engineer who currently works in the Tools team at Red Hat. During his free time, he enjoys spending time with his lovely wife, coding for GNOME, practicing martial arts, and chating with friends in real life.

2024-10-23 11:06