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FOSDEM 2008: GNOME Developer Room

Who What Where When Why

The FOSDEM GNOME Developer Room is a casual get together for GNOME lovers in Europe to meet with their favourite hackers and discuss all things GNOMEy. Please let us know you're coming by adding your name to Brussels2008/Attendees. Check the FOSDEM website for more information about the main conference.

We will also have a GNOME booth: Brussels2008/Stand.

What can you expect to have as material

(but as with any conference you make things vastly easier for yourself and organisers by having a hardcopy and providing organisers with copies of your notes wherever possible or appropriate)


The schedule below is not 100% final and may see some slight changes

On Sunday, the devroom will be used as a joint GNOME and KDE devroom to get together hackers of both communities on subject of interest to both groups, this page has a twin on

Saturday, February 23




before 14:00

Group picture "outside"

14:15 - 14:30


14:30 - 15:15

GNOME Developer Kit

Ken VanDine

15:15 - 16:00

More Clutter: Animating the Platform

Emmanuele Bassi

16:00 - 16:45

Pigment: Towards a desktop scene graph

Loïc Molinari

16:45 - 17:30

Elisa - Enjoy your multimedia world

Alessandro Decina

17:30 - 18:15

Mobile Manager

Joaquín Mª López Muñoz, Roberto Majadas

18:15 - 18:45

GUPnP: UPnP made easy

Zeeshan Ali

18:45 - 19:00


Reminder: on Sunday, we'll share the devroom with KDE people for talks of interest to both groups

Sunday, February 24




KDE / GNOME interaction

09:15 - 09:30


09:30 - 10:15

klik on KDE and Gnome - chances and challenges


10:15 - 11:15


Jos Poortvliet (+Sebas perhaps)

11:15 - 12:15

Integrating the Web into GTK+ applications with WebKit

Alp Toker

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch Break

13:00 - 13:45

Farsight 2: Video conferencing made easy

Olivier Crête

13:45 - 14:30

Free software in education

Knut Yrvin

14:30 - 15:15

Fun things to do with GStreamer

Jan Schmidt

15:15 - 16:00

.deb Packaging Introcution

Jonathan Riddell

16:00 - 16:45


Øyvind Kolås

16:45 - 17:30

??? CMake ???


17:30 - 18:00


Presenters & their presentation



Emmanuele Bassi

More Clutter: Animating the Platform

This talk is about the Clutter project, its current state, the impending release of the new stable version, and its possibilities as a default animations library for the GNOME platform. In this talk I'll expose what Clutter is (in case people haven't been following Planet GNOME or haven't been able to attend the Clutter talk at GUADEC'07), its usage and the suitability for having applications include more organic and useful animations for their user interface, similarly to what Apple provides with its Core Animations API.

Emmanuele Bassi is a software engineer at OpenedHand Ltd and works on User Interfaces with GTK+ and other GNOME platform technologies on embedded devices. He's also been working Clutter since 2006, designing and writing parts of the core API, and maintaining the library bindings for Perl and Python. In his spare time he contributes to GLib and GTK+, and maintains the GNOME Utilities package, when not going out with his wife in search of new good restaurants in London, UK.

Zeeshan Ali

GUPnP: UPnP made easy

I will briefly explain what UPnP is all about, followed by an introduction to GUPnP API with special emphasis on the server-side API. I will also explain how it is so easy to implement your own UPnP devices using GUPnP with the help of an example Light Bulb device that implements two simple services. I will also explain why GUPnP deserves to be the default UPnP stack on maemo and GNOME platforms.

Zeeshan Ali is a Lead Developer/Architect at Nokia OSSO in Helsinki, Finland. He started as a GStreamer plugin and application developer and is known in the GNOME community for his video-whale project. For the past one year, he had been obsessed with UPnP and in turn the GUPnP project. When he gets some time from his office work and GUPnP, he hangs around with his girl-friend and tries to learn some Finnish.

Alp Toker

Integrating the Web into GTK+ applications with WebKit

WebKit/GTK+ is a brand new port of the WebKit content engine aiming for standards compliance, high performance and seamless integration with the GTK+ stack. I'll be demonstrating some of the latest features as well as taking a look at how various GNOME applications like IM clients, mailers and feed readers have adopted the WebView API.

Olivier Crête

Farsight 2: Video conferencing made easy

Farsight 2 is a next-generation GStreamer based videoconferencing framework, used in the Telepathy framework, Nokia Internet tablets, etc. It supports advanced features multi-party conferencing, lip-sync, etc. I will present a bit of the history of farsight, what it does, and show a nice cool demo and a three slide VoIP program.

Olivier is the maintainer of GnomeICU and a Gentoo developer. He currently works for Collabora on the Farsight VoIP framework.

Ken VanDine

GNOME Developer Kit

We will discuss motivation behind creating the GNOME Developer Kit, possible uses, and perhaps discuss what else we can do with it. We will also discuss current GNOME Love initiatives, and how we use the developer kit to lower the barrier of entry and make the GNOME community a better place to work, play, and hang out. Information on the GNOME Developer Kit can be found at

Ken VanDine is an Engineering Lead at rPath, a member of the GNOME Marketing team, writer for the GNOME Journal ( and the maintainer of the GNOME LiveCD and the GNOME Developer Kit.

Loïc Molinari

Pigment: Towards a desktop scene graph

This talk is about the Pigment library. The project has been initiated by Fluendo at the same time as the Elisa media center, from the observation that the GNOME desktop lacks a library for easily creating rich application user interfaces. Pigment used to be linked to Elisa, but it is now evolving on its own trying to attract more developers. This talk will expose the current Pigment API, how it integrates in the desktop, and the plans for the upcoming/next versions.

Loïc Molinari is a software developer at Fluendo in Barcelona, Spain. He works full time on designing and improving Pigment. He is specialised in 3D graphics and has worked in the field of visual simulation for planetariums.

Joaquín Mª López Muñoz, Roberto Majadas

Mobile Manager

Mobile Manager stems from a previous commercial project called Escritorio movistar, which is an end-user 3G connectivy app distributed by Telefónica España (commercial name movistar) in order to ease the usage of its mobile data networks. We've opened the source of this app and our next step is to promote the most valuable core component, the Mobile Manager, within the community.

Mobile Manager is a D-Bus service and a UI core with some useful widgets for handling of several aspects of 3G connection devices (PIN/PUK dialogs, signal strength polling, roaming...) as well as connection initiation. Mobile Manager is developed in Python/GTK and D-Bus and is fully compatible with GNOME and FreeDesktop.

As part of our plan to promote Mobile Manager, we're studying the possibility of having it integrated with GNOME System Tools and other network applications; we would also like to discuss about this dissemination plans at the dev talk.

Although the project has been originated inside an operator (Telefónica España), our commitement is one of total operator- and network- agnosticism, so that the component can be used in whatever 3G scnearios.

Alessandro Decina

Elisa - Enjoy your multimedia world

The talk is about Elisa, the open source media center developed by Fluendo. In this talk I will highlight some of the new features that make Elisa one of the most appealing and easy to use media centers. I will focus particularly on the shiny new user interface and on online media browsing capabilities.

Alessandro Decina is a software developer at Fluendo, Barcelona. His work is mostly focused on GStreamer and multimedia features. His current goal is to make DVB television rocking in GStreamer, Elisa and GNOME in general.

Jan Schmidt

Fun things to do with GStreamer

A talk demonstrating some of the things you can do with GStreamer pipelines other than play videos.

Jan Schmidt is a GStreamer release manager. He currently works for Sun Microsystems in Dublin, Ireland.

Øyvind Kolås


GEGL - the image processing library; not the goat. Cool things done since last year, experiences and consequences of GIMP integration, and interesting things the developers will be happy when are removed from the to-do list.

Øyvind Kolås is a free-software developer and artist. A digital media content and media tool craftsman, exploring, creating and improving new technologies to be integrated in free and open infrastructures.

2024-10-23 11:06