Meeting on September 22nd


  • Ubuntu migration update (Nuritzi)
  • Social media for upcoming month (Nuritzi)
  • 3.26 release marketing retrospective (Allan)
    • Check in on ongoing projects (Nuritzi)

Ubuntu migration update

  • Ken and team still working on the documentation
    • No docs written yet, he's planning on writing them over the next week while he's traveling (presumably for the Ubuntu Rally in NYC)
  • ACTION: @Michael to check on banner for GNOME website

Social media for upcoming

  • GNOME.Asia!!!

    • Facebook & Twitter posting , then retweet some of their stuff

    • ACTION: @Siska to ask @GNOME.Asia team if they can tweet and do some social media posts, see if they are able to update the website soon

  • Annual Report
  • SeaGL - @Sri going
  • Hackfests coming up
    • @Foundation
    • and potentionally others
    • event around performance
  • OpenSUSE is already shipping and Fedora will be shipping 3.26 in October, Arch might also be on there. The delta is getting shorter between when we release and when distros ship it
  • Ubuntu migration begins Oct 16th

  • Technical marketing! What are the exciting things that are coming up?


  • Upcoming conferences: SeaGL, All Things Open,
  • ACTION: @Nuritzi to send @Sri the GNOME tablecloth and any other things we have for the booth

  • ACTION: @Sri to ask @Emily if she's going to Ohio Linufxest

Bugsquash Month

  • Now is the time to encourage people to test the release and get bugs fixed
  • ACTION: See if @Alexandre would want to do another bug squash

3.26 release marketing retrospective

* What went well:

  • Release notes up on time
  • Video was great again!!!
  • @Emily stepped up to help coordinateT
  • @Allan's documentation really helped someone else be able to coordinate while he was away
  • @Emily was given access to the right social media accounts before the time she needed them
  • Things to improve:
    • Video was released after the main announcement
    • Key people don't have access to the right accounts (e.g. YouTube)

    • We don't know if our marketing efforts are making a splash
    • We don't measure a lot of our impact (e.g. how much engagement around our video over time, or the release notes, etc)
      • this could really help
      • get a benchmark and see how it changes
    • Bus factors!
      • Key people felt burnout
      • We have a bus factor of 1 for release notes
  • General thoughts
    • What is our role in releases? We set the tone for the releases
    • Is the speed of development right? Do we need to up our QA game? The engagement team can play a role in that in thinking of the narrative of the software that we are producing
      • publicity could help us shape the narrative
    • How do we make sure that we know about schedule?
      • We have a tooling issue, we should look into a canban board or something like that: options might be trello, asna, GitLab

      • @Allan has begun to talk to the release team about setting up a shared calendar to help know when the
      • There's also a human factor where we need people to actually schedule things: maybe the chair of meetings could do that or else a group of people?

    • Look into open source social media platform, or some other kind of social media platform
    • Create a list of benchmark data about our outreach performance so we can compare it over time
    • Consider workshops for key things that have a bus factor and some kind of mentorship

Engagement/TeamMeetings/22-September-2017 (last edited 2017-09-23 12:10:11 by OliverPropst)