Describe Engagement/TeamMeetings/15-December-2017 here.



Discuss during meeting

  • Announce new meeting time (Nuritzi)
  • Celebrating newcomers first contribution (Umang)
    • Manual or automated. Votes? If manual, who will take charge
    • Dicussion of how it will work out (group labels and subscribe to labels)
    • What we need from maintainers' side (Just tag the label on particular issue?)
    • Social media template? (How does the final tweet look like)
    • Account? (GNOME main account or a new separate account for this?)
  • Advertising distribution releases (Neil)

Do during the meeting


Celebrating newcomers first contribution

  • Can people opt out if they don't want their name on the internet? How can we protect privacy?
    • It's the maintainter's responsibility to tag or not tag issues with the label we use in order to protect privacy
    • If the newcomer has a twitter handle, they can mention their twitter handle. If they don't have a handle, then they can provide a name they want recognized (maybe their username), and then
  • Maintainer of the project can comment on the issue and tag the issue with a label, and then the Engagement team would need to take that and create a tweet
  • How often do newcomers contribute?
    • When Google Summer of Code is approaching, there are a lot of newcomers.
  • Proposed workflow: newcomer contributes, maintainer thanks them and asks them for twitter handle, newcomer provides any info they are able to by commenting in the issue, and the maintainer can add the label we use and tag the Engagement team member
    • We should use the official GNOME account
    • It would be awesome to have an image to send out with the tweet
  • ACTION: @Rosanna to give @Anna tweetdeck access to our official.

  • ACTION: @Anna can help with social media. @Anna to send twitter handle info to @Rosanna via GNOME Engagement Telegram group

  • ACTION: @Nuritzi to add @Anna to Facebook accounts

  • ACTION: Update issue on GitLab, subscribe @Anna to it, @Carlos to create a label for maintainers to use ("newcomer tweet"), Send email to desktop developers list, engagement list

  • ACTION: Come up with the tweet wording and the image request so we can ask @Shirley to create an image for it and so that @Anna has a template that she can use

Newcomers Tweet in December

Engagement/TeamMeetings/15-December-2017 (last edited 2017-12-17 11:57:48 by OliverPropst)