How to request SWAG for your event

Note.: This page hasn't been updated for a long while and it's outdated. The content below might not reflect on the current status nor on the correct approach of requesting SWAG.

SWAG (Stuff We All Get), are things like stickers, balloons, shirts, and other things that can help make people feel excited and included in organizations that they are a part of or admire. In order to help our community do outreach on behalf of GNOME, we have set up some distribution centers with some initial items and hope to keep adding more items soon.


We currently have two distribution centers:

  • USA: San Francisco, California: Nuritzi Sanchez (nuritzi at gnome dot org)

What you can get

If you would like to request items for an upcoming event, please send an email to one of the centers with the following and they can help advise you on possible SWAG:

  • List the type of events or outreach that you do. Include how frequent the events are (or which upcoming conferences or events you will attend), and how many people you hope to reach.

  • List the the kind of SWAG items you are most interested in. Look at the inventory that the distributors have listed on their pages since each center may have different items.

We also have print-outs that you can use. If you have ideas for other types of materials you'd like to see in the future, please let us know.

Engagement/GetSWAG (last edited 2023-04-29 18:46:08 by ClaudioSantoro)