Here we can plan for how to improve the Friend of GNOME website, this needs coordination with the WebTeam.


  • Separate Friends of GNOME and our fundraising campaigns into different entities.
    • Basic "schematic" mockups available here here

    • Another muckup available here

  • Simplify the website - no donation levels (just the option of one time donation or recurring)
    • Make donation a one-click experience, or get it as close to as possible. Fx. Pre-defined $5 amount, adjustable with a slider that can turn into a custom entry. Support Paypal, MobilePay, Flattr, Bitcoin, Credit Card

  • Change donation box color to #8C5F93
  • Evaluate integration

    • How much revenue does the integration generates?
    • The books that are currently featured are old and not likely to attract any buyers, can replace them with new books, or other items?
    • New Amazon stores has been opened in China, Spain, India and Italy, but you can't make donations from your purchases in these new stores.
    • There are other ways to make the donation apart from using the store. In amazon US there is a dedicated page, , so you can set the GNOME Foundation to make donations automatically from all your purchases.

    • _Maybe_ it could be a good idea to dissociate the GNOME Amazon Store and the Friend of GNOME page.
  • Large bus factor with Friends of GNOME. Current form is hard-coded using scripts - so we need TobiasMuller help to change things.

  • Gifts
    • Probably drop most of the gifts - it's administrative overhead, and makes the process feel like shopping.
    • We shouldn't give guarantees for postcards - it should be an added bonus, not a promise. We shouldn't give up on the postcards though. Need to update the list of people who send them out, and create a schedule for events when we can do it.
    • We don't give gifts after the first year - we should do something for people who have been donating for a long time (eg. send out a mug after 2 years).


  • Fnish new Friends of GNOME web design, get it to the stage where we can propose it for implementation. (AllanDay)

  • Need to collect information from donors - add this to the designs.
  • As a part of the design process, document what information we want access to, and what we want to do with it.


Engagement/FriendsOfGNOME/HowWeCanImprove/FOGWebsiteImprovements (last edited 2014-08-05 19:12:38 by JuanjoMarin)