Attachment 'metadata-template.txt'


   1 Instructions (please delete these!)
   2 ----------------------------------- 
   4  * For batches of images by the same author, use one metadata file like this in the same directory as the images. Image titles should be included in the file name. In these cases, the file can be called "metadata.txt".
   5  * Individual images can have a dedicated metadata file, named "<file name>-metadata.txt".
   6 ---
   8 Author: <name> <contact url/email>
   9 Source: <source url or method provided>
  10 License: <name> <URL to full license text>

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  • [get | view] (2021-02-25 09:49:37, 0.6 KB) [[attachment:asset-license-email-template-offline.txt]]
  • [get | view] (2021-02-25 09:49:37, 0.5 KB) [[attachment:asset-license-email-template-online.txt]]
  • [get | view] (2021-02-25 09:49:37, 0.5 KB) [[attachment:metadata-template.txt]]
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