/!\ This text is here for archival purposes. The master copy is in the scribus file, i.e. somewhere here: https://github.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-marketing/tree/master/annual-report-2014 The final text should eventually be copied from the file to this wiki page

GNOME's Goals for the Future

Needs work

Future releases of GNOME will build upon the solid foundation laid in place by previous releases and include features such as: greater support for high-resolution displays (HiDPI), major updates to several GNOME applications and colour tinting support in GNOME Shell.

Long-term efforts that will play a critical part in the future of GNOME include: continuous testing framework based on the OSTree build system, sandboxing technology based on kdbus, and complete Wayland support.

Engagement/AnnualReport/2013/GnomeFuture (last edited 2015-01-13 13:02:27 by OliverPropst)