/!\ This text is here for archival purposes. The master copy is in the scribus file, i.e. somewhere here: https://github.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-marketing/tree/master/annual-report-2014 The final text should eventually be copied from the file to this wiki page

Accessibility is a core value of the GNOME project, and its mission to bring free software to everyone. The Accessibility team have during the last year been hard at work with making GNOME more accessible to everyone.

Recent improvements include a redesign of the of the Universal Access panel and improvements in keyboard navigation. New additions to GTK+, including popover widgets now support accessibility out-of-the-box. Orca has also seen a significant performance boost.

Two long-awaited accessibility features that have landed in GNOME in the last year are the addition of caret and focus tracking, which simplifies keyboard navigation while the magnifier is in use and the addition of PDF caret and keyboard navigation in Evince, which allows Orca users to read documents in Evince and GNOME documents. The work to improve accessibility of PDF documents was funded by the Friends of GNOME Accessibility Campaign and the Mozilla Foundation, and has been done by Igalia.

The GNOME project's commitment to a 'built-in' rather than 'bolted-on' approach to accessibility continued to reap rewards.

Engagement/AnnualReport/2013/A11yReport (last edited 2015-01-13 13:02:27 by OliverPropst)