User Survey for GNOME
Please also see [GnomeMarketing/SurveyUsers]
User surveys are a means of finding out how GNOME is likely to be used by a specific set of users, and who these users are likely to be. We intend to develop an user survey to gather feedback and identify issues from potential / existing GNOME users. Feedback will be used in Design, Features Improvement and Marketing purposes.
- Know who are our existing / potential users
- Learn how do they use GNOME
- Gather feedback from our existing / potential users
- Identify issues from our existing users
- The feedback will be used in Design, Features Improvement and Marketing purposes
- To enhance awareness and increase adoption of GNOME
Whom are our targets
- Existing and potential GNOME users
- we will reach them by:
- Selected GNOME mailing list
- Linux User Groups
- Local GNOME user groups
- FOSS communities
Linux distro communities e.g. OpenSuse, Ubuntu, Fedora
- Social networks
GNOME is conducting an online survey and is interested in your opinions. The survey will likely take about 30 mins to complete. All of your responses will be kept completely anonymous and will only be used by the GNOME project to guide the design, marketing and feature improvement of the GNOME project. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Potential questions need to be asked?
- feedback on GNOME website
- feedback about friends of gnome
Proposed questions
- all the following questions will have an option of "no answer"
Demographics questions
- What's your gender?
- Male
- Female
- What's your age?
- 17 or below
- 18-21
- 22-25
- 26-30
- 31-40
- 41-50
- 51-60
- 61 or over
- What's your primary language?
- English
- Spanish
- German
- Chinese
- Other: please specify
- What's the highest level of education you have completed?
- Less than high school
- High School or equivalent
- Some college
- Bachelor's Degree
- Master's Degree
- Doctoral Degree
- Professional Degree
- Other: please specify
- Which of the following categories best describes your primarily area of employment?
- Student
- Unemployed
- Retired
- Arts, Entertainment, or Recreation
- Broadcasting
- Education
- Finance and insurance
- Government and public administration
- Health care and social assistance
- Hotel and food services
- Information technology
- Software
- Telecommunications
- Manufacturing
- Retail
- Other: please specify:
- Where are you from?
- Africa
- Asia
- Australia
- Europe
- North America
- Central America
- South America
Computer and OS usage:
- How long have you been using a computer for?
- Less than 6 months
- 6 to 12 months
- 1 to 3 years
- 4 to 6 years
- 7 to 10 years
- 11 years or more
- Where do you use your computer?
- Work
- School
- Home
- All of the above
- How frequently do you use your computer from the following places? (Sort of 24/7, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Less than once a month, Never)
- From home (including a home office)
- From work
- From school
- From a public terminal (e.g. library, cybercafe, etc.)
- From other places (please specify)
- Which computing platform (operating system) have you ever used? Please specify your experience of your selected platforms in the box(es).
- Macintosh ( )
- GNU/Linux ( )
- Solaris ( )
- Unix ( )
- Windows ( )
- Other, please specify: ( )
- (If you ever used GNU/Linux) What desktop environment have you used?
- Xfce
- Other, please specify:
- What is your primary computing platform now?
- Macintosh
- GNU/Linux
- Solaris
- Unix
- Windows
- Don't know
- Other, please specify:
- If you chose, why did you choose your current operating system?
- (If you are using GNU/Linux) What desktop environment are you currently using?
- Xfce
- Other, please specify:
- If you chose, why did you choose your current desktop?
- (For GNOME users) How long have you been using GNOME?
- (For GNOME users) Why did you choose GNOME?
- What applications do you currently work with?
- What applications do you use most?
- What browser do you frequently use on your desktops?
- Firefox
- Konqueror
- Chrome or Chromium
- Opera
- Safari
- Other, please specify:
- What office suite do you prefer?
- Libre Office
- Mircosoft Office
- Google Doc
- I don't use office suit
- Other, please specify:
- Which email clients do you frequently use on your desktops?
- Thunderbird
- Evolution
- Kmail
- Other: please specify:
- Which Instant Messengers do you frequently use?
- Jabber
- Gtalk
- Yahoo Messenger
- Other: please specify:
- Which Instant Messenger Clients do you frequently use?
- Which Music Player client do you frequently use?
- Which Movie / Video Player do you frequently use?
GNOME specific (for those users ever used GNOME):
- When did you first hear about GNOME?
- Year 2000 or earlier
- 2001 to 2003
- 2004 to 2006
- 2007 to 2009
- 2010
- I never heard about GNOME before
- Where did you first hear about it?
- What was your first impression?
- Which language version of GNOME have you used? How would you rate the translation of this language?
- How would you rate GNOME on Technical Support, Community Support, User Friendliness?
- We would like to know if you encounter any problem during installation.
- Title of the problem, what's the problem? What could be done to improve the situation?
- We would like to know if you encounter problems when using the GNOME Desktop or applications. (In order to improve our desktop and applications we need your feedback. Please pick three things that you would like to see changed.)
- Problem 1: title of the problem, what's the problem? What could be done to improve the situation?
- Problem 2: title of the problem, what's the problem? What could be done to improve the situation?
- Problem 3: title of the problem, what's the problem? What could be done to improve the situation?
- Did you feel that there was any functionality missing from the GNOME Desktop?
- Yes
- No, what's missing?
GNOME 3.0 specific (for those users ever heard about / used GNOME):
- Have you heard about GNOME 3.0 release?
- Where did you hear about GNOME 3.0?
- What do you expect to see in GNOME 3.0?
- What do you think about GNOME 3.0?
- Will you try GNOME 3.0?
- Yes
- No
- Why?
Contribution and marketing specific (for those users ever heard about / used GNOME):
- Will you help the GNOME project with promotion, support or development?
- Have you been to the website? What kind of information do you expect to be in the gnome website?
- Have you heard about Friends of GNOME?
GNOME Experiences (for those users ever heard about / used GNOME):
- What did you like most about GNOME?
- What did you dislike most about GNOME?