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GNOME 3.2 Marketing

This is the planning page for promoting the GNOME 3.2 release. Please get in touch with the marketing team if you want to help (see the main marketing page for information).

GNOME 3.2 has been released, but we still need to keep on promoting it! Many of the activities in how to help are ongoing. Please help out.


Please get in touch with the marketing team (through the usual channels) if you are interested in doing any of these activities. Many of them are not too labour intensive and make a big difference.

Must Haves

These are the absolute essential things that have to happen when the release occurs:

(Really) Nice to Haves

Many of these tasks are really important and we should try to cover as many of them as possible:

Taken from 3.0 lessons learned:


See Also

2024-10-23 11:05