- Updates from working teams:
Social media
- The weekly groups started at Wednesdays at 17 UTC and its for people to pop in and join the team and give feedback. Hopefully we will see it grow.
- Working on:
- How to use social media for newcomers.
- We are working for an overall document on whats the goal, structure etc.
@Melissa will join the meetings
It is a free hour so people can join and suggest things we can post on twitter.
Monthly newsletter
- what do we want to achieve with it?
- If we want to start working on improving we'll need to start up a working/planning group
- This should be lead by Caroline, but may have to wait to get started. Contributors could potentially start initial research
- Faces of GNOME
- GNOME CSS/UI Library
- Moderation Team
Faces of GNOME
- Do we want to proceed with this?
- Does it make sense to have it be an official part of engagement?
- What should it's official name be (FoG is already in use)?
- Looking for contributors
- Need to talk about how to implement this on our websites- currently not usable because we need more contributors to complete the minimum amount of components needed
Moderation Team
- Do we want to proceed with this initiative?
- Would need active contributors that can be trusted with a lot of responsibility
- Would need to decide what the moderation team is about and what the roles are for this team - one of these could be finding people to answer questions people ask on channels
- Would also need to create instructions and guides on how and when to moderate