Engagement Team Meeting January, 25th 2022 18:00UTC:
- Luna
- Oliver
- Daniel
- Juan
Annual Report update - OliverPropst
GNOME development updates - OliverPropst
Several posts with interesting updates about the development of the project has been published recently on Planet Gnome laytly(feel welcome to have a look at some of the posts which are linked below) . Have a look at some of the posts below.
https://www.gunibert.de/posts/podman/ Update on the container/podman integration
https://blogs.gnome.org/chergert/2022/01/22/creating-gtksourceview-style-schemes/ Update from ChristanHergert about his
recent work on GtkSourceView.
Recent Firefox/Wayland updates
GNOME live streaming - OliverPropst
https://www.youtube.com/c/EmmanueleBassi/videos - Emmanuele is streaming when writing GNOME Docs etc
https://www.youtube.com/c/GeorgesStavracas - Doing live sometimes in Portuguese
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1pWBimaYROHGs6gRYNa5nA JamesWestman
https://danigm.net/twitch.html - Daniel Garcia
Streaming in Spanish - Monday to Thursday from 19:00 - 20:00 UTC
Create a page on the GNOME Wiki about live streaming as a resource for people who is interested to get involved with GNOME and live coding.
AI: Oliver are happy to create a wiki page about live streaming on the GNOME wiki.
Appreciation from OliverPropst
I kind it appropriate that everyone in the GNOME community send kind wishes for everyone who is doing efforts with regards to advancing the state of the project in this for many difficult and challenging times.
It have at least for me been really heart warming to see that that the many community members keep pushing and working on initiatives that hopefully will improve the state of GNOME and Open Source in general.
GNOME @ FOSDEM 2022 Online
https://stands.fosdem.org/stands/the_gnome_foundation/ GNOME will have a chatroom booth at FOSDEM 2022, next week (first week of February 2022). More information about the event to follow.