Meeting on August 25th
- Nuritzi
- Zana
- Neil
- Sri
- Oliverp
- Link
- Michael
- LAS GNOME organizers Hackfest FYI (Nuritzi)
- Engagement Hackfests (Nuritzi)
- Patreon promotion timing (Nuritzi)
Note: GUADEC *news item draft -needs to be reviewd/refindments/ if its going to make sense to publish it. -oliverp Assume August 30 (kind of) is a date that would make sense as a 'deadline' for publish the item. Draft available in the WordPress instance
LAS GNOME organizers Hackfest FYI
The RedHat space in Montreal is an option, people like it bc of the political climate in the US, however we need a local team
- Still have the SF hackfest for LAS GNOME organization unless someone else wants to join... then reconsider timing
Remeber to add notes to the master spreadsheet:
- ACTION: Nuritzi to respond to email thread soliciting help from a local team. Connect with anyone interested offline and invite to SF to plan
- ACTION: Michael to ask KDE to participate by giving talks and helping organize LAS
Engagement Hackfests
- Consider having an Engagement hackfest at LAS
- Push the Ubuntu this along on GNOME side and see if the website can have a banner
- Ubuntu settled on the experience, what extensions are and everything
- ACTION: Michael to Check in with Tom and see if we can add a banner or what would be possible
- ACTION: Michael to set up a meeting with the Ubuntu working group (Ken Vandine, Emily Gonyer, Alexandre Franke) next week
Patreon promotion timing
- How do you Fedora? There's a semi-regular cadence to the magazine. Something like meet the developers.
- Let's use the Engagement Blog
- When do we do this? Let's have October as the initial target. Maybe work on both at once and then queue them up
- Work on a list of ideas and topics for other blog posts
- Identify some authors for people who want to talk
- Think about the general audience. Is this appropriate for the general audience?
- Is this for end users of GNOME, or for the community itself?
- Right now our goal is to build a relationship with the community itself, developers, ecosystem etc
- Planet GNOME right now is read by people who often step up to donate to GNOME and help
- For Patreons, we want general users to know more about who these people are. The developers all know each other, so the goal should be more external outreach
- Is this for end users of GNOME, or for the community itself?
ACTION: Link to talk to Adelia and Cassandra about the Engagement Blog and how we can revamp it (,
- ACTION: Nuritzi to connect Adelia and Link to the people with Patreon campaigns when Link and Adelia ask for it
(Review and update list of ongoing Engagement team initiatives:
Annual report 2015 - 2016
* Annual Report
- Jeff willing to design
- Ideas for special feature
- 20th anniversary retrospective
- Include forward looking statements about goals for the near future
- Newcomer iniitiative / revamp
- 20th anniversary retrospective
- Available as supporting members - Nuritzi and Rosanna
- UPDATE June 9, 2017
- Hard deadline for 1st draft by Friday the 16th
- Neil: finding local printers, email about bugzilla
- Emily to start reviewing Accessibility
- Rosanna: give Neil Friends of GNOME data
- Nuritzi: make sure Cassandra can find pictures, coordinate with Bastian about factoids
Update Aug 24, 2017: The Annual report for 2015 - 16 is complete and printed:
- Need to send an email asking if anyone wants to train to be a project manager of the Annual Report
- Post a news item after the GUADEC post
- Need to send an email asking if anyone wants to train to be a project manager of the Annual Report
- ACTION: Nuritzi should post about the Annual Report being available during the week of Sept 1st
- ACTION: Neil should email engagement list about being a project manager in training
20th Birthday Parties
- Encourage individual participation as well as local group parties
- ACTION: Nuritzi to Tweet about blog posts and birthday parties organization page
GUADEC 2017 news item (oliverp)
- Have started on a news item/gallery
- Notice sent to Engagement Private
A sample of pictures from the event is available at Nextcloud
- Aim to publish the story around Wensday August 23
- Feedback/help with the news item is welcome
Wordpress Picture Gallery
There seems to be limitation's with the current WordPress design (which makes it hard/tricky to create a good looking gallery)
- ACTION: Ask Tom if he can take a look at the gallery
Ubuntu Release Preparation
- Michael is the point person
Cassandra & Sri are the point people
Local Groups
- Nuritzi and Link are the point people
20th Birthday Party at GUADEC
- Invitations - Allan to poke people, not done yet.
- Party Packs. Links to party pack ideas:
- Photo wall / video wall at the venue:
The venue has a huge video wall that we could put videos on. Maybe Bastian wants to do something for that?
Maybe this could be screenshots of older versions of GNOME
- Bastian is in touch with someone from an old GUADEC and that person has a bunch of old footage. Bastian has plans for some video material.
- Another idea would be to have an animated clip or something
- ACTION: @Bastian will plan on making a video to play on loop for the Birthday party
- UPDATE: June 9, 2017
- Check to see if Bastian has helped to make a video for the video wall
- Start a wiki page for 20th birthday celebrations all around the world
- Check in with Matthias and Elvin to see if we can add recipes to the Recipes app for the Birthday party!
- ACTION: Emily to see if there's a way to integrate the Recipes app into 20th birthday
- See if there are apps for projecting pictures live from the event
- Update August 24, 2017: The 20th Birthday Party at GUADEC went well!
SWAG Centers & Events
- Distribution centers around the world for swag requests to be sent out locally
- Want to recruit people to run distribution centers (foundation members vs. anywho who communicates with the engagement team and shows commitment)
- Include something like: If you're not a foundation member and still want to run a distribution center, reach out to the engagement team for help and support
- Identify events near the distrbution center that will be targeted
- ACTION: Reach out to GNOME Asia, GNOME Peru, etc. to start recruiting distributors, reach out to members in India
- About 3 months prior to these events we should reach out to people and see if they can man the booth, make sure people are attending
and have a plan
- ACTION: Nuritzi to send an email to engagement-list and foundaiton-list to see if people have others that they target
- ACTION: Biraj to add FOSS Asia to the 2018 list
- UPDATE: Aug 24, 2017: There are two successful SWAG centers so far and we'll think about adding more later, once we figure out local groups a bit better
Recipe hackathon all over the world
- Could be great to do worldwide
Could we make this a competition? Most popular recipe as voted by Allan.
- ACTION: Biraj start to think about how this would work. Biraj to go through the process of submitting one recipe successfully and then thinking about how we scale it. === Newcomers to Engagement Initiative ===
- Questions on newcomer's channel is now more about code vs how to build things
- We have 3 or 4 new Polari contributors and that's really significant since we haven't
- Carlos has been busy fixing a lot of bugs and making sure that it works on distributions. They're working on making more apps avaiable through the newomer's initiative
- We shuold check in with Carlos and see if there's anything else that has been added for publicity purposes to help make sure we keep momentum
- We might want to have some shout outs from maintainers / mentors from projects that want newcomers to join their projects
- We might want to circle back feedback from newcomers about what their experience has been so far
- How can we be more data driven? We can see how many new authors there are committing code. Emmanuele is doing git stats on GTK. We may need to read how many new contributors in this release.
- Newcomer app teams. Maybe we can showcase some of the new work being done.
- ACTION: @Nuritzi to check in with Carlos about any new developments.
- ACTION: @Basitian to check in with newcomer app teams to see if they want to do a shout out or else showcase some of the new work being done in their projects.
=== Google ads (Rosanna)===
- Found their website (
- We'd need to write a blurb and maintain keywords for them
- Would need pruning/maintainence every quarter or so
- Sri was going to check in with Justin to see if he has interest in handling this (email sent asking)
Promote Engagement meetings
- Perhaps intimidating for newcomers?
- Public meeting once a month?
- Hangouts on air
- Need a list of things people can do
- Recruit people!
- Target designers etc?
- Possibly make better use of the engagement blog (TIL: there's an engagement blog)
Promote Friends of GNOME
- Neil to check with Tobi if we just get a list of email addresses or need to use a system === Create Official Groups ===
- submit an application, having established trust (foundation member takes a look)
- list the official groups on a wiki or something (think about adding a section to the website to create more visibility around local groups)
- They should:
* have at least one event a year * gnome release parties strongly encouraged * take part in social media-stuff (hashtags when their events are happening)