- Marketingnotes - Thoughts on Guerilla Marketing.
Some conclusion-y type bits:
MarketingTODO more concrete:
- figure out what core message is
- from core messages, create material/massage existing material where available:
- refine 5 word description
- refine 25 word description
- presentations (varied for various markets)
GnomeMarketing/TalkingPoints(newer) for interviews
- use the venn diagram of products/markets to refine/rank/group these highlights:
- ease of use
- existing deployments
- binary compat
- release schedule
- localization
- standards (aka fd.o, etc.)
- create focuses for release notes
compile list of existing deployments [starting list here: ]
'cheat' on describing ourselves- piggy back on Linux marketing- go for the throat, say 'GNOME is the (Leading?) Linux Desktop'
- must have a news pipeline into lwn/linuxtoday
- need to have press releases ready- hasn't happened reliably in several releases (preps pipeline to eWeek, etc.)
need to be better prepared for TechnicalConferences (also trade shows, slightly distinct but related)
- need better materials, including GNOME Branded live CD to give out
- need identified people who can go talk, with pre-cooked materials/slides/etc.
- need technical conference kit- if there is a local conference, how can I do a GNOME booth? No way of knowing- barrier to entry is high. [Make people comfortable talking about GNOME even if they aren't comfortable.]
- push our actual deployments better- hollywood, spain, etc., and our ISVs- Real, VMWare, etc.- need to create list
- need to get better docs, and prioritize doc resources towards most important APIs/tasks for ISVs
- also want outreach- 'hey, you can make your app more gnome-y'
- they want to understand the benefits of using our platform
put planet/gnomedesktop/journal on front page links, maybe with filters for curse words on blog topics
'GoToMarket team'
needs leadership, ideally involvement of RH, Sun, Novell, Canonical as well
- for ISVs and code contributors- need to help get folks focused on docs- this really limits the impact increased marketing can have, until we have more docs to talk about/point people at
work to develop translatable marketing materials for LocalGroups which can be used to market to governments, schools, etc. for PublicDeployments
To help ISVs PotentialContributors and OtherOpenSourceProjectsWhoNeedToIntegrateWithGNOME whitepapers(?) on the value of
important to market to projects like Firefox and OpenOffice, convince them to work with our standards/technologies/etc. (or freedesktop when appropriate)
- almost completely in alignment with ISVs needs, probably- biggest difference is that on the one hand you say 'see, firefox and openoffice are working towards our standards' and that on the other hand you work with firefox/ooo/real to get even closer to/more involved in our standards
we have
- need live CD for conferences, media, etc.- imagine being able to send CDs of 2.7.9 to eWeek, etc.
include LocalGroups action items
- in large parts, this blocks on the success of creating active local groups- country-by-country basis- this is happening organically (spain, germany, others)
foundation needs to provide guidelines, assistance to per-country groups- this is very in line with the goals/structure of the GNOME Foundation (as a non-profit) potential ActionItems:
- identify regions
- open dialog with existing UGs, not just potential/existing GNOME groups
- translate marketing materials
TargetMarkets segments:
PotentialContributors (inc. Developers, bugs, doc writers, etc., etc., etc.)
ISVs and other developers
- Want them to better support (and market?) GNOME
- we would rather have distros make GNOME the default and never mention GNOME than say 'we ship GNOME... and KDE'
- want to increase communication- 'why did distros change $FOO'
if we made customization of branding easier for distros, might make them frendlier to us, and perhaps more accepting of the remaining GNOME feet (also useful for PublicDeployments and EnterpriseCustomers ) (particularly useful for smaller distros, who would appreciate branding but have no manpower)
- GNOME can feel like a RH/Novell duopoly; need to reassure other vendors that this isn't an exclusive game
EnterpriseCustomers (enterprise-y, mostly)
PublicDeployments (governments, mostly?)
- need better contact with public deployments in spain (linex)- contacting is hard, need local contacts who are close to the public decision makers in a locale
- government projects will be huge in near future- come in huge chunks of desktops, and make big splash when they land
needs active LocalGroups
- !OtherOpenSourceProjectsWhoNeedToIntegrateWithGNOME
important to market to projects like Firefox and OpenOffice, convince them to work with our standards/technologies/etc. (or freedesktop when appropriate)
- almost completely in alignment with ISVs needs, probably- biggest difference is that on the one hand you say 'see, firefox and openoffice are working towards our standards' and that on the other hand you work with firefox/ooo/real to get even closer to/more involved in our standards
we have
KDEOrg has good groups for 'business-oriented KDE' and 'Klassroom' and things like that, we could maybe help create groups that identify their own markets, and pursue/market to them- depends on interest, though
- 5 Word Description: 'KDE is a powerful Free Software graphical desktop environment for Linux and Unix workstations.'
- google says KDE has ~50% more stories on linuxtoday than GNOME does, and my sense is that this gap is increasing * google says I lied about lwn- roughly same number in last three months
- must have a news pipeline into lwn/linuxtoday
are we aiming to market 'you should switch to linux/gnome' or is our message more limited- 'enterprises/hackers/$OTHER_GROUP switch to GNOME'- probably need focus
We don't have the windows market to target, which is different from Firefox/OOo.
Current GNOME resources:
- strong core product (better than, by comparison, our developer platform, owing to lack of docs)
already have fairly strong TalkingPoints - media responds well to these
GnomeJournal is promising
- release notes have been good and are still improving
- in contrast with gnomedesktop, not intended to be daily updating
- Looks promising
- needs more writing
- lots of people follow this regularly
- very accessible, friendly- more commentary-oriented than the lists
web page doesn't link to gnomedesktop, planet, GnomeJournal, other resources
- add search to
- developer cookbook
- update example code/projects
Other stuff:
- have to make sure not to over-emphasize KDE- long-term competition is Windows and OS/X
- KDEOrg
MozillaOrg - has links to weblogs, mozillazine news, and announcements
- autodetects platform, could have different messages for people from linux or windows
- goal is to market to people who are windows user, read paper, and want to be 2-3 clicks from being a firefox users
- go beyond 'what software is' to 'why you want it'
MonoProject - split into three homepages, more or less: about, using, contributing (apple does something similar)
- doesn't say anywhere 'apple makes computers' or 'this is an operating system'
look at - is that something we could consider modeling after? 'Why Switch' 'switching made easy' is great
- switch may be more appropriate for distros, but at the same time, none of the distros are marketing to end-users-all are marketing to enterprise, etc.
FedoraProject - Have chosen to market the project and not the product
- figure out what our %age of apps on sf or freshmeat is- everytime someone writes to xlib, god kills a kitten
- some of the confusion is 'are we marketing gnome the product, or gnome the project, or gnome the devel platform'- do we need separate marketing plans for each one?