- Nuritzi
- Sri
- Micheal
- Rosana
- Emily
- LAS GNOME (Nuritzi)
- Release Marketing (Nuritzi)
- What does a local team need to do?
- Venue: split up the rooms, make sure there's audio/video set up, having sign up table, badges / name tags, spaces for unconference
- Website: Updates about the venue and about Montreal
- Hotels: Need to find accommodations
- Materials: banners, signs.
- Social events/activities: find a few places to have these
- Catering options: it'd be nice to have some snacks or food (coffee, water, etc)
- Budget: need to create the budget
- Bid: need to create a bid so that we can show that the local team is serious and able to pull off the event
- We expect 50 - 75 people to show up
- Hubert is interested in helping to organize this, Jeff might
- Do we need to pass things through the Board? Yes, if we get sponsors. So a bid would be helpful.
- When do funding cycles begin? August. We should come up with a sponsorship plan by about mid-september.
- Canonical might be willing to sponsor if they can talk about snap. This could help make it more friendly for other organizations since they will see that it's not just Flatpak dominated
We should try to move to a new registration site to create a better user experience and also not have a bottleneck:
ACTION: Nuritzi to email James, Hubert, and Jeff to see if they could be the local organizers
ACTION: Sri to send messaging to people who had expressed interest in sponsoring LAS GNOME to let them know
ACTION: Sri to ask Doug about registration through their open source event manager
Release Marketing
- What do we still need for this cycle?
- screenshots
- social media
- news item
- How should we build up hype for the upcoming release?
- Reddit AMA
- Sri to organize
- Target Weds Sept 27th
ACTION: Sri to organize Reddit AMA
- Reddit AMA