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GNOME 2012 Q1 Report

This is a rough draft of the 2012 Q1 report. Please add your teams update at the bottom and remove your name from the list of those needed. Thanks!

Due Date for all reports: May 11, 2012

Board and Executive Director

by: Karen Sandler

The first quarter of 2012 was another busy one for GNOME. We released GNOME 3.4, completed a round of our Outreach Program for Women, were accepted as an organization to GSoC (with a lot more applicants than in the past two years), had many new members join the Foundation and ramped up our conference planning for both GNOME.Asia and GUADEC, much of which you'll read about below. We also participated in a number of conferences. I was pleased to represent GNOME at Linux.Conf Australia, where I gave a keynote talking about my heart condition, software safety and the importance of building our societal infrastructure around free and open platforms like GNOME. As we rely on computing for more and more of our basic activities, I believe that freedom -- and GNOME's role in software freedom -- has never been more important. I also spoke at the Free Software Foundation's LibrePlanet with Joanmarie Diggs about accessibility in GNOME and the importance of nonprofits in free software.

These are some of the key things that the board and the Foundation have been up to this quarter:

As always, please email the GNOME Foundation's board of directors at if there is anything the GNOME Foundation can do to help or if there are any opportunities that you think the GNOME Foundation should know about.

Please also consider becoming a Friend of GNOME. Your donations really do help the GNOME Foundation continue to provide support and services which help the success of the GNOME project.


by: André Klapper

From January to March, 6105 reports (bugs + feature requests) were opened and 6672 were closed.

Top bug closers were André Klapper (1093 reports), Cosimo Cecchi (208), Bastien Nocera (202), Richard Hughes (196) and Matthias Clasen and Guillaume Desmottes (both 178).

Top bug reporters were André Klapper (106 reports), Ryan Lortie (93), Bastien Nocera (81), William Jon McCann (78) and Guillaume Desmottes and Vincent Untz (both 75).

Top patch contributors were Jasper St. Pierre (155 patches), Guillaume Desmottes (150), Milan Crha (124), Ryan Lortie (108) and Diego Escalante Urrelo (84).

Top patch reviewers were Guillaume Desmottes (184 reviews), Bastien Nocera (158), Matthias Clasen (151), Owen Taylor (146) and Adel Gadllah (139).

Take these numbers with a grain of salt as many projects do not use Bugzilla as their only place for patch handling.

The products in the bugtracker received a small cleanup: Most deprecated products (except for those that are still slowly phased out) were closed for new bug entry and remaining open reports in deprecated and closed products were closed. Based on missing development activity in GNOME's Git code repository, maintainers were contacted and asked about the status of affected modules. This was combined with also moving most deprecated modules to the archives section of Git and making sure that GNOME's localization platform ( reflects the correct status so translators do not spend time localizing modules that likely will not see another release.

Release Team

by: Frederic Peters

This first quarter the release team was busy with 3.4, getting development releases out (3.3.4 and 3.3.5), then two beta versions (3.3.90 and 3.3.91), a release candidate (3.3.92) and finally the stable release, 3.4.0. As it was the end of the cycle, the release team also had its work of getting the words on freezes out, and to then keep an eye on freeze break requests. As 3.4.0 was being released we also got the call for feature proposals for 3.6 out.

Membership and Elections Committee

by: Tobias Mueller

During Q1 2012 The GNOME membership and elections committee received 64 applications for a new foundation membership and 34 applications for renewals of a membership. 94 applications were processed. During the same period, 18 members did not renew their membership and thus dropped out. We ended up with 390 members.

We ended up with 48 new members:

GNOME User Groups

by: ??

Accessibility Team

by: Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias and Joanmarie Diggs

The first quarter was a busy and productive one for the Accessibility Team, culminating in the release of GNOME 3.4, the most accessible GNOME 3 yet:

Team members also participated in a number of events this quarter:

Lastly, the Friends of GNOME campaign, which launched in December, got off to a great start. By the end of the first quarter, $12,568 of the $20,000 goal had been raised. The campaign will continue during the second quarter. Many thanks to those who contributed!

Outreach Program for Women

by: Marina Zhurakhinskaya

The third round of Outreach Program for Women internships completed March 12, 2012 with eleven interns making great contributions to marketing, translation, documentation, Games, Cheese, Empathy, Getting Things GNOME!, and Pitivi. In addition to their contributions, several interns participated in GNOME and Free Software events where they got to meet their mentors. Antigoni Papantoni attended the GStreamer hackfest in Malaga. Emily Gonyer attended FOSDEM in Brussels. Susanna Huhtanen attended the Documentation hackfest in Brno.

Ten participants were selected for the fourth round of Outreach Program for Women internships, that will take place from May 21 to August 20, 2012. These internships were made possible by the sponsorship from Google and Mozilla that have each sponsored two participants, Collabora, the Free Software Foundation and Red Hat that have each sponsored one participant, and the GNOME Foundation that has sponsored the remaining three from its general funds. In addition, among 29 participants, GNOME accepted five women for Google Summer of Code, who all got involved through the outreach program. The Software Freedom Conservancy joined GNOME Outreach Program for Women with one internship with the Twisted project.

Karen Sandler and Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote a news piece detailing these news and other ways Outreach Program for Women helped improve GNOME's outreach efforts.

In the next quarter, we look forward to the start of the internships of the program’s participants and their frequent blog updates on Planet GNOME.


by: Petr Kovar

During Q1 2012, GNOME translation teams worked on GNOME 3.4 localization. The GNOME 3.4.0 stable release was delivered on March 28. According to the GNOME 3.4 Release Notes, GNOME 3.4.0 offers support for more than 50 languages with at least 80 percent of strings translated, including documentation for many languages.

When comparing the completeness of GNOME 3.2 and 3.4 localization, the following translation teams, among others, achieved some impressive progress:

In January 2012, there were 1139 translation commits to as per the GNOME Commit-Digest. In February 2012, there were 1483 translation commits, and in March 2012, there were 3283 translation commits suggesting that many translators were finishing their work on GNOME 3.4 during the string freeze period, which started on March 5.

Some of the other interesting stats on the localization platform include:

The gtranslator team released several versions of the gtranslator translation editor during Q1 2012. The new versions introduce a number of feature enhancements, including support for non-UTF-8 files, more integration with the GNOME 3 platform, and better translation memory support.


by: Tiffany Antopolski

The Documentation Team had a productive first quarter of 2012. The Brno Documentation Hackfest occurred alongside the Gtk+ Hackfest this year in the Czech Republic, February 17 - 21 at Masaryk University and Red Hat's Brno Offices. The Desktop Help, Evolution, Gnome Games, Baobab, Gedit and other documentation was updated for the GNOME 3.4 release. On the Developer Documentation front, Tomeu Vizoso made a lot of progress on generating API reference from introspection information. Phil Bull started a restructuring of the Platform Overview, in order to make it easier for new developers to find their way around, understand what is available, where it can be found, and how it can be used. Continuing in this spirit, some initial progress was also made by the team on the Developer Tutorials, designed to ease the way for newcomers into GNOME Development. Much more progress in this area is planned for the next quarter. If you are interested in participating, do not hesitate to get in touch with the GNOME Documentation Team on IRC at #docs.


by: Andreas Nilsson and Vinicius Depizzol

Google Summer of Code

by: Daniel G. Siegel

We are happy to announce that 29 students have been accepted to work on GNOME through Google Summer of Code this year. The students will work on a wide range of projects improving the core GNOME 3 experience, GNOME technologies, and popular applications. Some applications that the students will work on are Documents, Web, Boxes, Calculator, Banshee, Getting Things GNOME!, Activity Journal, and GCompris.

Organizing the Outreach Program for Women helped GNOME improve the resources available for all newcomers and guidelines for the Google Summer of Code applicants. With the GNOME mentors list now available as part of the GNOME Love initiative and with each project idea on the GNOME Google Summer of Code ideas page including a potential mentor, we were able to ensure that the students connect with a potential mentor for the idea they were proposing. We also required the students to make a contribution to the project they are applying to work on. As a result, all successful applicants demonstrated their ability to work on the project they proposed and discussed their proposal with their potential mentor. The GNOME community is thrilled to have these talented and dedicated contributors have a chance to spend the whole summer working on GNOME!

For more information about the accepted projects please visit the GNOME project page on the Google Summer of Code website. The students will blog about their work on Planet GNOME throughout the summer.

This year's friendly Google Summer of Code administrators are Christophe Fergeau, Alexandre Franke, Daniel G. Siegel and Marina Zhurakhinskaya.


by: Emily Gonyer

The GNOME Marketing Team had a productive 1st Quarter, during which much of the 2010 & 2011 Annual report was written, and website was redesigned and updated by Christy Eller & Allan Day.

A mini-marketing meeting was held during FOSDEM 2012 in Brussels which was attended by Karen Sandler, Allan Day, Dave Neary and Emily Gonyer, during which the website redesign including how the news site, GNOME Journal, Quarterly Reports and GNOME Foundation site could be streamlined and redesigned to be more coherent and less repetitive. Other topics were also was discussed including the annual report & and overall direction of GNOME in the coming months and years.

The GNOME 3.4 release notes were compiled by Allan Day, André Klapper and Olav Vitters with extensive help from the GNOME community, in addition a press release was published with an official screen shots set that has been widely used by the media.

GNOME Marketing is always looking for new contributors, especially of news-related content of hack fests, GNOME User Group activities, articles for GNOME Journal, art, etc. If your interested in contributing please contact the GNOME Marketing on IRC at #marketing


by: OlavVitters

Andrea Veri, who was our long time Accounts Team member was granted root.

Various SSL certificates expired. We normally use free certicates for that. In Q1, we discovered that Red Hat network (most machines are hosted by Red Hat) was added to a "potentially malicious software source" list. As doesn't allow free certificates for anyone in the same network, we couldn't create certificates anymore. StartCom (company behind offered to sponsor a Level 2 subscription, which we gladly accepted. The Level 2 subscription allows for more options (multiple hostnames, etc), but only 1 GNOME sysadmin can now create certificates.

The team further assisted with various sites: ostree site up and running, migrate to a new site, migrating the voting software to and lastly installing itstool on a server so that is able to use the new help infrastructure.

We added a few scripts to make our lives easier. One script ensures our Nagios output (system+services monitor software) is sent via XMPP/Jabber. Then another script for the membership committee to automatically add new GNOME foundation members to foundation-announce and foundation-list.

There was also some minor items. Like the regular blocking spammers from either the wiki or from being able to send emails to (we host more than just We also made Puppet (configuration software) send its output (consisting of either error messages or changes) to our private gnome-sysadmin mailing list.


by: Allan Day

GNOME 3.4, which was released at the end of March, included a number of design-led initiatives, including a redesigned web browser and contacts application, a new color picker widget and new scroll bars. The design team spent much of the first quarter of 2012 supporting these features by developers as their work progressed.

The run up to GNOME 3.4 also featured a large amount of polishing and bug fixing work, in which GNOME's designers were directly involved. The new Every Detail Matters initiative, which was instigated by the design team, was extremely active during this period. It sought to engage the development community by improving small user experience details, and resulted in many bugs being fixed.

Effort was also spent on a number of ongoing design concerns during this quarter, including designs for new printing dialogs, a new note taking application, and updates to the design of GNOME 3's notifications.

Conference planning: GUADEC, GNOME.Asia

by: Will LaShell

GNOME.Asia has been quite busy over the last half of first quarter. We received several strong submissions for hosting teams. The Hong Kong team was awarded as this years host. Hong Kong is one of the key cities in Asia with a large amount of students and local businesses that could be introduced to GNOME through the Summit.

Three key members of this years GNOME.Asia Summit are Haggen So, Sammy Fung and Chun-Hung Huang. They have been working to secure the venue location and promote the event to local volunteers. The Hong Kong Linux Users Group has been contacted to assist in coordinating local volunteers and providing vendor information for marketing collateral.

The 2012 website was brought online through the assistance of Will LaShell one of the GNOME.Asia Summit committee members. The call for papers through the website was very successful with 65 submissions on various topics. The list of talks has been finalized and all speakers contacted. 25 speakers have been selected for this years Summit presentations.

Attendee registration will be supported through Registrano. The 2012 GNOME.Asia registration has officially been opened with the selected of the final venue CityU.

The next quarter report will include a write up of the event.

2024-10-23 11:05