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GNOME 2011 Q3 Report

This is a rough draft of the 2011 Q3 report. Please add your teams update at the bottom and remove your name from the list of those needed. Thanks!

Goal: All reports by Nov 11, 2011

[Team Title]

by: who-compiled-or-wrote-it

Short summary of what your team did this quarter

Board and Executive Director

by: Karen Sandler

This quarter was a time of change for GNOME's Board of Directors, with a new Board of Directors taking charge of the foundation. The new Board is: Emmanuele Bassi, Brian Cameron, Ryan Lortie, Shaun McCance, Bastien Nocera, Stormy Peters and Germán Póo-Caamaño.

It's also time to give a big thank you to our outgoing board members: Emily Chen, Paul Cutler, Og Maciel and Andreas Nilsson. They each have done a tremendous amount of work for the GNOME Foundation.

New officers were also elected from the Board. Brian Cameron now serves as President, Bastien Nocera serves as Vice President, Emmanuele Bassi serves as Secretary and Shaun McCance serves as Treasurer.

This was been a busy quarter for The GNOME Foundation. Highlights include:

As always, please email the GNOME Foundation's board of directors at if there is anything The GNOME Foundation can do to help or if there are any opportunities that you think The GNOME Foundation should know about.

Please also consider becoming a Friend of GNOME. Your donations really do help the GNOME Foundation continue provide support and services which help the success of the GNOME project. There are many ways to support and contribute to GNOME beyond a financial contribution, including volunteering. For example, GNOME is in the process of improving its website and would appreciate any help with this endeavor!

Notes from New Executive Director, Karen Sandler

Hello GNOME Foundation members and friends! The third quarter of 2011 -- my first as GNOME's executive director -- started with a bang at the Desktop Summit. I was thrilled to meet a lot of you in person. It reminded me yet again how amazing and dedicated the GNOME community is. I'm extremely proud to be a part of that community, and that pride only grows over time as we keep making GNOME better. GNOME 3.2 is so impressive that I find myself telling people about it everywhere I go.

There's still quite as bit of work ahead of us and I look forward to tackling it together. If you think of anything that the Foundation can do better or if there's something I can help with, definitely let me know.


by: André Klapper

From July to September, 6795 reports (bugs + feature requests) were opened and 6683 were closed.

Top bug closers were Akhil Laddha (794 reports), Matthias Clasen (249), Fabio Durán Verdugo (241), Milan Crha (239) and André Klapper (225).

Top bug reporters were Akhil Laddha (132 reports), Pedro Villavicencio (123), Vincent Untz (93), Guillaume Desmottes (89), Matthias Clasen (75).

Release Team

by: Frederic Peters

From the 3.1.3 development release to the final 3.2.0 release, the Release Team managed seven releases this quarter, paying special attention to the progress made on important 3.1 features (see >>), as well as keeping its usual role of gatekeeper during freezes (and good thing we didn't have the amount of freeze break requests we had for 3.0). We also called for volunteers to work on 3.2 live images and it was handled by Javier Hernández, who already had some experience using the Open Build Service for the 3.0 accessibility live image, we will try to do it again for 3.4, probably starting earlier so we can get images out for the beta releases.

Membership and Elections Committee

by: Tobias Mueller

During Q3 2011, The GNOME membership and elections committee received 17 applications for a new foundation membership and 30 applications for renewals of a membership. Out of those, 45 were processed. During the same period, 10 members did not renew their membership and thus dropped out. We ended up with 347 members.

We ended up with 14 new members:

Outreach Program for Women

by: Marina Zhurakhinskaya

Nine OPW interns attended the Desktop Summit in Berlin, Germany on August 6-12. Some of them did lightning talks about their work during the GNOME and KDE Interns Showcase session. The GNOME women's dinner was attended by 23 women. There was also a Women's Networking BoF at the conference.

The 15 female interns GNOME had this summer made a lot of great contributions to it. The accomplishments of each one of them are descibed in this blog post.

Three OPW interns attended the Montreal Summit in Canada on October 8-10. Marina Zhurakhinskaya ran a session about outreach initiatives in GNOME there in which all three of the interns and many other community members participated.

Marina and André Klapper represented GNOME at the Google Summer of Code mentors summit in Mountain View, California on October 21-23. Marina and Pat Tressel from the Sahana Project co-hosted two well-attended sessions on women outreach. Marina presented on the GNOME community's positive experience with women outreach and encouraged other organizations to create lists of mentors with whom newcomers can connect to ask for help.

An application process for the new OPW internships round completed on October 31 and we are looking forward to the announcement and the work of the new group of interns.


by: Petr Kovar

During Q3, GNOME localization teams efforts were focused mainly on delivering translation support for the GNOME 3.2 release, which was shipped on September 28. In this release, there were more than 50 languages with at least 80 percent of strings translated, including the user and administration guides.

One of the participants in the GNOME Outreach Program for Women that took place from May 23 to August 22, Priscilla Mahlangu, completed the first localization intern in the history of the program after working on Zulu translations with Friedel Wolff as her mentor. As a result, she managed to improve Zulu localization from ca. 4 percent of translated strings to ca. 10 percent.

As the first team ever, the Spanish team was able to complete the translation of the official GIMP documentation, thanks to the work done by a Spanish translator, Ignacio Ant.

Thanks to the contributions from Claude Paroz and Gil Forcada, the GNOME localization platform Damned Lies, running on, saw a number of improvements in this quarter, including work on implementing support for word statistics.

GNOME Users Group

Philippine GNOME Users Group

by: Allan Caeg

There is a number of GNOME Users Groups (GUG) worldwide that actively promoted GNOME this quarter. One of them is the group in Philippines. This GUG is composed of people who regularly organize FOSS events like annual Software Freedom Day celebrations in different parts of the country. They regularly advocate GNOME in these events along with KahelOS, a GNOME based GNU/Linux distribution championed by members of this group. This quarter, they also celebrated the release of GNOME 3.2 along with other GUGs around the world.


by: Calum Benson

In addition to the usual release activities associated with the 3.2 release in September, this quarter the design team participated in the ongoing prototyping and design of applications and features including:


by: Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias and Joanmarie Diggs

The Accessibility Team actively worked on a number of fronts during the third quarter:


We are happy to announce that:

And we are looking forward to an even more accessible GNOME 3.4.

Free Desktop Accessibility

The Desktop Summit

The Accessibility Team participated at the Desktop Summit:

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