Here we can plan for how to improve the Friend of GNOME website, this needs coordination with the WebTeam.
- Separate Friends of GNOME and our fundraising campaigns into different entities.
- Simplify the website - no donation levels (just the option of one time donation or recurring)
Make donation a one-click experience, or get it as close to as possible. Fx. Pre-defined $5 amount, adjustable with a slider that can turn into a custom entry. Support Paypal, MobilePay, Flattr, Bitcoin, Credit Card
- Change donation box color to #8C5F93
Evaluate integration
- How much revenue does the integration generates?
Some data from the early days: Sept 2010: US$635, Oct 2010: US$823, Nov 2010: US$977 and dec 2010: US$$1360. Source:
- The books that are currently featured are old and not likely to attract any buyers, can replace them with new books, or other items?
- New Amazon stores has been opened in China, Spain, India and Italy, but you can't make donations from your purchases in these new stores.
There are other ways to make the donation apart from using the store. In amazon US there is a dedicated page, , so you can set the GNOME Foundation to make donations automatically from all your purchases.
- _Maybe_ it could be a good idea to dissociate the GNOME Amazon Store and the Friend of GNOME page.
- How much revenue does the integration generates?
Large bus factor with Friends of GNOME. Current form is hard-coded using scripts - so we need TobiasMuller help to change things.
Although the form things are part of our WordPress installation and can be changed via the g nome-web-www module
- Need richer information on our donors to do smarter fund raising.
- Gifts
- Probably drop most of the gifts - it's administrative overhead, and makes the process feel like shopping.
- We shouldn't give guarantees for postcards - it should be an added bonus, not a promise. We shouldn't give up on the postcards though. Need to update the list of people who send them out, and create a schedule for events when we can do it.
- We don't give gifts after the first year - we should do something for people who have been donating for a long time (eg. send out a mug after 2 years).
Fnish new Friends of GNOME web design, get it to the stage where we can propose it for implementation. (AllanDay)
- Need to collect information from donors - add this to the designs.
- As a part of the design process, document what information we want access to, and what we want to do with it.