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GNOME Annual Report Deadline

The deadline for reports for the 2010/2011 Annual Report is April 23rd. Please ensure all articles you are working on have been submitted by then. Thanks!

GNOME Annual Report 2011/2010


This is the workspace for the production of the GNOME Annual Report 2011/2010. If you're interested in contributing to the report in any way, feel free to add your ideas in the Ideas section.


General Instructions


Table of contents


  1. Letter from the GNOME Foundation Executive Director

    • Owners: KarenSandler

    • Summary: A short letter commenting on the state of GNOME from the incoming ED, with an optimistic, forward looking conclusion
    • Format: around three paragraphs
    • Related links
    • Status: in progress

Two years in review

  1. A review of GNOME 3 user experience
  2. A review of the GNOME 3 Platform by EmilyGonyer and JuanjoMarin

    • Ideas about the content:
    • streamlined platform
    • easier bindings with introspection
    • Owners: a core developer ? EmilyGonyer (help appreciated!! :)

  3. How we manage to get GNOME 3 and how it will evolve

    • Ideas about the content:
    • short story, starting in 2010, about how we managed to get a stable .0 release
    • the new "feature" development approach can be explained
    • the new modules structure
    • Owners: AndreKlapper

  4. Small report(s) about the work of the teams not covered by the previous sections (documentation, sysadmin, marketing, web, a11y...) based on quarterly reports
  5. We can add figures of the project this year (number of commits, reports, patches, reviews, status of the translations, top committers, etc)
    • Owners: someone from the bugtrack team or sysadmin ? Some of this can come from quarterly reports.
    • Total Opened Bugs/Requests: 32229 Total Closed Bugs/Requests: 30398 (2010)
    • Total Opened Bugs/Requests: 28321 Total Closed Bugs/Requests: 27680 (2011)
    • Top reporters/closers can be found on respective overview pages: 2010 2011

  6. Words about GNOME 3.0

    • Owners: JuanjoMarin

    • Summary: quotations page praising GNOME 3 with a nice design
    • Format: A recap based on the quarterly reports from a number of GNOME teams
    • Related links:
    • Status: done
  7. Feature a few deployments like Guadalinex?
  8. Overview of GNOME Quarterly Reports, by EmilyGonyer

Events and Community initiatives

  1. GNOME User Groups by EmilyGonyer

    • We had successful 3.0 parties and we have beautiful pics from the pics contest, and there
    • has been another local GNOME gathering around the world.
  2. GNOME Outreach Program for Women

  3. GNOME participation in the Google Summer of Code program

  4. GNOME participation in the Google Code-in
  5. Interview with the Thank You pants winners (and the history of the pants) ChristyEller has completed this article.

Foundation development

  1. GNOME Executive Director
    1. Profile of Karen Sandler, new Executive Director
      • Needs owner. Who likes Karen enough to do a profile on her?
    2. The Hunt for the Executive Director
      • A nice story of how Stormy stayed committed to the foundation after leaving, and how the board leveraged the expertise of foundation and advisory board members with hiring experience to recruit a new ED
        • Ask Stormy to reproduce her blog on the ED search
  2. GNOME Advisory Board
    • Is there any AB news this year?
  3. GNOME Foundation
    1. Board elections
    2. Finances
    3. Membership [We should ping Andrea Veri]
  4. List of donors (Maybe could be nice a "text as art" presentation :-)

    • Give a special shout to subscribers (colour them a different colour, or perhaps a bigger font?)


A11y Team activities over 2010/2011 along with a 'What does accessibility on the desktop mean?' - EmilyGonyer

Add your cool ideas here.

I added these ideas - all need owners, and someone to say "Yes, that would be cool". -- DaveNeary

2024-10-23 11:05