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GNOME Ambassadors

The Ambassadors initiative is no longer active

This page is being kept as a reference.

GNOME Ambassadors spread the word about GNOME and teach people the advantages of using a free desktop.

GNOME Ambassadors are GNOME fans who have agreed to help promote GNOME. They use their knowledge of GNOME and their public speaking skills or social networking skills or people skills to help promote GNOME. There is not a specific set of skills required to become a GNOME Ambassador, rather a willingness to work at promoting GNOME and to work at improving the GNOME outreach program in general. The Ambassador program provides resources such as funds for travel, business cards and GNOME presentations.

Welcome, GNOME Ambassadors!

Thank you for representing GNOME. We rely on GNOME Ambassadors like you to spread the word of GNOME and teach people the advantages of using a free desktop. On this page we provide some of the resources that we have made available to you. If you require something else - or think of something else that would be useful for the program - please feel free to suggest it.

In order to help you spread the word of GNOME, we have:

For your presentations

For a GNOME booth

Meetings, List, IRC

Interacting with Organizations


  1. Who can be a GNOME Ambassador?
  2. Any fan of GNOME can be a GNOME Ambassador. You do not need to be an expert in all areas of GNOME. You can use the FAQ and talking points to get answers to commonly asked questions. Talking points, GnomeMarketing/ConferenceMaterial FAQ for people representing GNOME, GnomeMarketing/ConferenceMaterial/BoothFAQ. It is expected that GNOME Ambassadors be fans of GNOME, willing to promote GNOME by interacting with the public both individuals and companies, and be willing to continuously help improve the program.

  3. How do I become a GNOME Ambassador?
  4. By representing GNOME! Just start. Submit talks to conferences to talk about GNOME, create a local community in your city or at your university, print out some business cards, volunteer to run a GNOME booth. Once you have done a couple of activities, you are officially a GNOME Ambassador and can add your name to the list.

  5. How do I get GNOME business cards?
  6. You can use the template here.

  7. Are there travel sponsorships available?
  8. If you are traveling to an event to represent GNOME, you can apply for travel sponsorship

Mentors: volunteer by adding your name here

* Suresht

2024-10-23 11:05