Doc Team Meetings
In order to keep everybody in touch and up to date, we will be holding regular documetation team meetings. We will present an agenda for each meeting, and send minutes of each meeting to the appropriate mailing list.
Could you also send minutes of those meetings to the release team? Thanks! -- VincentUntz
Meetings will be split in two parts. The first hour will be for our documentation writers. We will discuss where our documentation is, where we want it to go, and how to get it there. The second hour will be for our documentation hackers. We will discuss the progress on our upcoming changes to the documentation platform.
Upcoming Meeting
- When: Sunday, April 22
- Writers: 17:00-18:00 UTC
- Hackers: 18:00-19:00 UTC
- Where: #docs on
Writers Agenda
Add agenda items.
Hackers Agenda
- Discussion of
- Discussion of the Foie Gras SoC projects
Previous Meeting
- When: Sunday, March 18
- Writers: 17:00-18:00 UTC
- Hackers: 18:00-19:00 UTC
- Where: #docs on
Writers Agenda
Attending / Interested: DonS (only for moral support), JoachimNoreiko, ShaunMcCance, MiloCasagrande, Karderio, ...
- Introduction and welcome new members
- Find out who's working on what
- Current status of the User Guide
- Discuss how much effort we want to devote to continued 2.18 work
- Assign tasks
- New business
Hackers Agenda
Attending / Interested: DonS, JoachimNoreiko, ShaunMcCance, GoranRakic, MiloCasagrande (interested), ...
- Introduction and welcome new members
- Current status of existing platform
Status of ProjectMallard
Check out gnome-doc-utils/sandbox/mallard from Gnome SVN
- Checked it, not sure what to do with it though! Explanations please Shaun!
For people interested in the implementation side of things, they can start looking at the XSLT. For people who want a taste of what it will be like to write with Mallard, look at the XML files under the spec directory. Also, if you type make in the html directory, you should get XHTML renderings of the pages under spec. Start by looking at mallard.xhtml and browse around.
- Checked it, not sure what to do with it though! Explanations please Shaun!
- Status of the yelp-document branch
Status of Spoon
See also the proposed new help system specification
- Status of
- New business
Unplanned Items
- Foie Gras