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Writing Open Source Convention 2009

The Writing Open Source Convention (aka Woscon) took place in June, 2009 in Owen Sound, Ontario. The conference was conceived by Emma Jane Hogbin, a documentation contributor to a number of open source projects, including the Linux Documentation Project, Drupal and Ubuntu.

The GNOME Foundation, through a donation funded by Intel, sent four GNOME documentation team members to the project: Shaun McCance, Phil Bull, Milo Casagrande, and Paul Cutler. There were a total of sixteen attendees, with representation from such projects as GNOME, BSD, XFCE, Ubuntu, Drupal and more.

The conference ran over three days, and each day had a different focus. The first day included keynotes from five speakers:

Each talk offered key takeaways that can be applied to the GNOME Documentation team, but in particular:

The second day was in the form of an "unconference", similar to a Barcamp. There were a number of roundtable talks and presentations, including:

Throughout all of these talks and presentations, it was helpful to learn that all of our open source projects share the same challenges, from community involvement to translation challenges.

The third day of Woscon was a hackfest. The GNOME documentation team was able to accomplish:

One of the biggest benefits coming out of Woscon was the various open source documentation projects coming together to create a new community. While the GNOME team worked on the tasks above, other conference attendees were transforming the conference registration site into a full blown community site so all of us would be able to continue to communicate and share best practices among projects. Another group started work on a brand new open source style guide that documentation projects across free software could utilize. All of these tools will be able to be leveraged over time, and it was exciting for us within the GNOME community to be able to be present at this first conference.

We would like to thank the GNOME Foundation and Intel for this unique opportunity. It is our belief that by attending Woscon, we were able to improve the GNOME Documentation team through what we learned, GNOME users through the documentation we have started to change and write, and we were able to join a larger community we can also learn from.


Shaun McCance, GNOME Documentation Project Leader

Phil Bull

Milo Casagrande

Paul Cutler

Blog Recaps

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Conference Recap:

2024-10-23 11:04