File Chooser
Referring to my mockup at , here is obviously a better place to spread the word on some File Chooser suggestions. The idea is to make the File Chooser workflow a bit more Nautilus-like while keeping it easy to use it with small screens (touch devices).
Current Issues
- Nautilus's and File Chooser's design and usability currently differs
- The File Chooser is missing basic file operations like copy/move/paste existing files/folders
- Devices and standard folders are at the top. User's favourites (bookmarks) should better move up or being freely movable.
- Vertical space is limited and scrolling will be almost necessary on devices wich have limited vertical space.
Proposal - Brain Storming
- Sidebar sections don't need headers anymore:
- standard section items (devices, favourites) get general known icons
- User's favourite folders are within the top sections
- The user browses directories is as easy as browsing the web
- You exit the file chooser by pressing the top right 'x' button
Collapsing sections
- Sections dynamically collapse (see animation) to section buttons if vertical space is limited
- Clicking those section icons, at the bottom, slides in an greyish section box from down below
- You can open/close sections by clicking them again
- Section icons can be used at other locations (top?), depending on the current file chooser's layout mode (more on this later)
- The user will become familiar with those icons and their meanings soon
- Benefit: almost no scrolling needed with limited display sizes (touch devices)
Recent Files
- Recent folders move to the top as an popup menu button
- Because they are more related to folders they move next to the location bar
- Pressing the "folder" icon - which is currently in the location bar - switches location bar mode (mouse/keyboard). [*1]
Watch out for the sidebar sections and their corresponding icons pop up at the bottom.
[*1] this is currently not shown in this proposal