After acquiring or installing a new system there are a few essential things to set up before use. Often this information is already present on another system or on a backup device.
- Transparently move information from another OS or backup device to a newly installed or updated system
- Move information from a running system to another system or backup device
- Integrate with Initial Setup
- Support the Client Management goal of delegation
- Allow connecting two computers over a directly ethernet connection
- Allow connecting two computers over a local wireless network
- Allow connecting a computer and a backup device over USB
- Migrating server software data (eg. /var/www for Apache, or MySQL databases)
Data to be migrated
local user(s) and their data (GECOS, AccountsService data and icons, and home directory), including "gdm" user
- Third-party applications (and their means of installation when available)
- Network configuration files (including passkeys, VPN configurations)
- System-wide info like: locale, timezone
- Printers (cups)
- Fingerprints (fprintd)
- Bluetooth configuration
Relevant Material
Tentative Design