We don't have a nice rollup display (i.e. http://lfp-shop.com/product_info.php/info/p19_Rollup--Single--850.html/XTCsid/c925ded2830d95be9698d24b1bbe142a) yet. But before ordering, we need some nice motif to be printed. So ideally, we have something which looks good on 850mm to 2000mm.

The resulting files (including sources) should ideally be uploaded to the wiki, i.e. to GnomeMarketing/MarketingMaterial/Resources

Perhaps something like this - AndreasNilsson: mockup.png

Uh, dunno how to discuss properly in this wiki. Anyway, I like that mockup :) But aren't we blueish now? And have we dropped "made of easy" altogether? I suggest bringing this to marketing-list. --TobiasMueller

Design/ArtRequests/rollup-display-ad (last edited 2013-11-27 14:30:23 by WilliamJonMcCann)