UI Review
During devconf.cz, Jakub, Tuomas and Matthias spent an afternoon reviewing the UI of recipes 0.8.0.
Here are some notes (from memory):
Edit page
- Entering ingredients with the fold-out popover feels fiddly. Suggested alternative: inline editing, by adding a row with two entries and doing completion in there.
- The popover is dismissed when you click outside, or miss the add button. We need to preserve the last selections to make this less frustrating.
- We should add the first ingredient row when clicking on the placeholder
- Reordering ingredient rows would be useful (either by drag-and-drop, or some other way)
We should add an image when clicking on the placeholder and also when clicking on the image DONE
Marking an image as the default one (to be used in tiles) would be nice DONE
Adding an image from clipboard content might also be nice DONE
- Cuisine, meal, season, spiciness are less essential fields and should be more clearly optional
- It would be nice to automatically derive most of the dietary restriction checks from the ingredients list
- It is difficult to enter "°C". Maybe there could be some assistance for that
We should allow entering a recipe on somebody elses behalf (e.g.: the cook is my mom, tigert using my laptop) DONE
It should be possible to search by spicy/not spicy DONE
- It would be nice if we could make the content reflow and grow wider when the window is maximized
"Preferences" needs a better name DONE
Cooking View
The cooking view needs an explicit close button at the end DONE
Using left/right arrows and space to navigate in the cooking view would be nice DONE